File photo of Powder Ridge Ski Area in Connecticut

Deal for Powder Ridge Is Off

Middlefield, CT – The on-again, off-again deal to revive Connecticut’s Powder Ridge ski area is once again off.

Middlefield First Selectman Jon Brayshaw said on Tuesday night that Alpine Ridge LLC of Pennsylvania had pulled out of a deal to resurrect the ski area, closed since 2007, and buy it from the town for $1 million. He refused to elaborate on why Alpine Ridge backed out, citing the advice of town attorneys.

Powder Ridge Ski Area in Connecticut
Powder Ridge Ski Area in Connecticut

“On Oct. 20, 2011 Alpine Ridge, LLC informed the board of selectman that it would not perform its agreement to buy Powder Ridge Ski Resort,” town officials said in a prepared statement. “Alpine Ridge’s letter came as a great surprise to the board of selectman. Town officials had worked for months with Alpine Ridge to prepare for the closing. During that time Alpine Ridge gave no indication that it would not perform. The town satisfied or was prepared to satisfy every contract requirement within its power. Alpine Ridge’s continuing failure to provide engineering plans for the intake facility and pump station prevented the town from obtaining an easement from the state to pump water from Lake Beseck to Powder Ridge” (for snowmaking).

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“The board of selectman is deeply disappointed with Alpine Ridge’s unexpected decision. the town must now consider its options with respect to Powder Ridge in general as well as Alpine Ridge’s refusal to perform in particular,” the statement concluded.

Powder Ridge was acquired by the town in a foreclosure proceeding in 2008. The closing date for the deal with Alpine Ridge, already postponed three times, was set for November 1. It is unclear whether or not Alpine Ridge is attempting to reclaim its $25,000 deposit.

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