Taylors Falls, MN – Minnesota’s Wild Mountain ski area will be hosting its 38th Annual Equipment Swap & Open House this weekend, featuring the Log Jam 2012 rail jam on snow.

Competitors will vie for their share of a $1,000 prize purse and gear handouts in U18 snowboard, ski, girls snowboard and open snowboard divisions. Registration takes place from 8 to 9 a.m. on Saturday morning and costs $25-35, depending on division. For more information visit www.logjam2012.com.
In addition to the rail jam on Saturday, the US Airbag will be at Wild Mountain both Saturday and Sunday offering Free Fall Drops. The cost is $10 for one jump, or $20 for three jumps.
Wild Mountain’s annual Equipment Swap is a perfect time to clean out the garage and to see what still fits from last season. If you need to sell some equipment or purchase new equipment now is the time to do it. The sale runs from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday, with equipment check-in from noon to 8 p.m. on Friday and 8 to 9 a.m. on Saturday. There is a $5 fee per person to put items in the swap and 15 percent of the sale proceeds go to benefit the Wild Mountain Ski Patrol.
The event will be holding a clothing drive for YouthLink MN, a non-profit serving homeless and precariously housed young people aged 16 to 21, so bring your winter outerwear that is in good condition and donate it to this worthy cause.
This will be the last weekend to enjoy Wild Mountain’s alpine slides and go-karts as snowmakers are already positioned on the hill waiting for the first blast of cold weather. Wild Mountain is typically the first ski area to open in the Midwest each season.