Recent content by Tyger

  1. T

    Looking for snow, anywhere!!!

    Ok, I'm desperate. <BR> <BR>If I wanted to find snow, powder preferred, in April, where would I go? <BR> <BR>I'm thinking out west, or east, I'm really not that picky. Just want to get some more riding in before it all becomes water again. And ice, like what we got here, don't count. <BR> <BR>-Rob
  2. T

    The winder of our discontent, WI / MN

    I want to appologose to everyone for the radio silence. I broke my wrist in January, snowboarding. And I typed enough with my work, so I wasn't really in the mood to look into openigns and such. <BR> <BR>Anyhow, I'm back, and I've been looking for places around here to go riding. And...
  3. T

    WI / MN TRYING to open!

    AHH! so they do! I don't know where they got it, I think they're importing stuff from Canada. <IMG SRC="" ALT=":)"> <BR> <BR>Seriously, I forgot about Wild Mt. Sorry 'bout that. I left out a few other places too like Trolhaugen and...
  4. T

    WI / MN TRYING to open!

    Well, the weather outside it frightful, unless you're into the green grassy stuff. In spite of the weather, ski areas are trying to open up for the season. So here's the update, if you're up midwest. <BR> <BR>MN : The Twin Cities area is hurting for snow. Welch Village is open with a few...
  5. T

    Skiing Deaths This Year / Helmets and Skiing

    It'd be nice if they could, actually. I've never found helmets to be too hot. Then again, Wisconsin and Minnesota in January, pile on the warmth! I'd like to go to MBA, actually, to try powder. I'll bring my own helmet too. <IMG...
  6. T

    Skiing Deaths This Year / Helmets and Skiing

    Marc : <BR> <BR>Bingo! <BR> <BR>That and if they make it required that all ski / snowboard users must have a helmet, then resorts would have to stock up on helmets. And they'd be resonsible for cleaning them, disenfecting them (Lice is a MAJOR problem here), and so on. <BR> <BR>People know...
  7. T

    Skiing Deaths This Year / Helmets and Skiing

    It's an old thread, but I want to add something. <BR> <BR>I snowboard in a helmet now. I started doing this last season becasue I was, IMHO, getting old, and I felt my mortality bite me. <BR> <BR>I don't think that helmets should be manditory. My kid can't wear one, they're too small for...