Search results

  1. Sharon

    Current Greek Peak conditions from Acid Christ

    For the 4th time in the last 5 weeks I got a message from Acid Christ (texted from the lift at GP) that the conditions are the worst ever. Today I got that same message, only worse. He says...if you can ski this, you can ski anything. It's that bad. It has rained substantially this week. The...
  2. Sharon

    Skis made in China?!?!?!

    I just got my brand spankin new pair of Black Diamond Verdicts delivered to my office today. Of course, I had to take them out of the packaging to oogle them, and to show all the interested parties in my office. Sadly, there's a big sticker on the shrinkwrap...Made in China :( This is...
  3. Sharon

    Tax on Skiing in NY
  4. Sharon

    Another powder day: Jay Peak 2/24/09

    As I sit here in the passenger seat while Bubba drives my tired ass home, my quads twitch and my back aches and a kink in my neck, I realize that the Utards are a bunch of powderpuffs. I skied 12 days in Utah on perfect conditions and wide open spaces with only 2 minor hip-to-snow checks and...
  5. Sharon

    Jay Peak 2/23 morning report

    The only lifts running are the Metro and Bonnie. We headed out the door at 8:50 and got right on the Metro. Patrick had to get a lift ticket so we lost him right away. The "no friends on a powder day rule" was in effect. Sorry Patrick. We went right over to the Bonnie and the first person I see...
  6. Sharon

    Jay Peak 2/22/09, the calm before the storm

    Feeling a bit hungover, tired and sore, I decided to sleep in and recover a bit before heading out. The snow is just starting to fall as I type this, so the early morning was pretty much yesterday's leftovers. I met up with Patrick at 10 and we tried to get on the GMF but it was down for...
  7. Sharon

    Jay Peak 2/21 morning report

    As I sit here and eat my bacon, egg burrito I am still high from the morning's powder pigout. Mike R and I set out early and got on the very first tram with the early-birds. The Face Chutes were open, so we went right for it, because I wasn't sure if I'd be riding the tram again this morning...
  8. Sharon


    25" in the last 24 hours and it is still snowing. The snow is like a fine fluffy fairy dust. Here are some pix from the deck at 11pm. (Marc, Bubba gave me a laptop when I got home from Utah!!!) I'll post more pix tomorrow.
  9. Sharon

    What happened to the Jay Peak skiers?

    Did they all move out west? I was just wondering how the skiing is up there, but it looks like I'll just have to go up there and find out for myself. They are calling for up to a foot of snow from the upcoming upslope event tmrw. Seems like a nice destination, though it will be a freakin long...
  10. Sharon

    Did any of you Utards ski today?????

    It should have been epic. We wanna hear about it.
  11. Sharon

    Riding the lifts again: Greek Peak 2/16/09

    After 10 days of avoiding my local molehill, I was finally ready to ride the slow lifts. I was ready and it was good. It was very good. I had a great day of skiing at Greek Peak, though I'm sure it was because I had such great company. Acid Christ kept me entertained and we had a hoot skiing...
  12. Sharon

    Did any of you Utards ski this week?

    It surely looked like conditions were superb. Skidog was gloating about going skiing. Been waiting to read the reports.
  13. Sharon

    Ski technique

    Recently I was asked to help some friends with their ski technique. I love to teach friends. It helps my skiing by defining each movement and it is gratifying to help other people ski better with more confidence. I am always trying to ski better, and it doesn't just happen automatically, it...
  14. Sharon

    Sliding down my driveway

    Saturday night I went out for a social event, and when I got back to my driveway, I drove up nearly to the top (it is a 1000' hill with a 5% grade) and my momentum stopped and my tires would only spin in 2nd gear (AWD Subaru). I tried first gear, no luck. So I put the parking brake on, but began...
  15. Sharon

    My Utah photos and videos

    I was going to go back and post some of the photos within my trip reports. I can still do that. Just let me know if you'd prefer that. Otherwise, here is my album ... 8HvKx0vmo# Takes about 10 minutes to view all the photos and videos
  16. Sharon

    Did any of you Utards ski today??? Alta is reporting 10"

    Aren't you glad I finally left :)
  17. Sharon

    Utah Day 12: Alta 2/4/09

    Another day in paradise. Sunny and pleasant, with the good company of Amy, Marc, Peter and Mira. We cruised Alta, hit the good spots. Marc giving us all the names for each patch of woods, chute and bowl. Peter bailed after a few runs due to his injured ribs. Marc and Amy skied until 3pm. Mira...
  18. Sharon

    Utah Day 11: Alta 2/3/09

    Another beautiful bluebird day (how many of these are there?). After considering to ski at The Canyons with the International group and a few others, word from there was that conditions were meager: Icy and rocky. My friend Shari who lives in Park City could get us discounts there, but her...
  19. Sharon

    Utah day 10: Snowbasin kicked my ass 2/2/09

    Another crisp and cold bluebird day. I hopped a ride with the international crowd staying up the road. They said they would be there at 8am but ran late as expected. Nonetheless we were on the snow by 10:15. For some reason we couldn't get 8 of us on one gondola due to the lack of...
  20. Sharon

    Utah Day 9: Snowbird 2/1/09

    We had a stellar day under bluebird skies at Snowbird today. We had a group that was just way too large. Mira and Sima have a bunch of friends with them, and the more people you have, the more drag on the group. Amy, Tele-Jon, Dave, Paul and I spent more time waiting than necessary. Eventually...