Patrick":3fv1mpl7 said:
However I tend to give more credence to people that actually study and are specialize in the field
There are many scientists who study that field who are very skeptical of man's contribution to climate change. Joe Bastardi didn't invent the the PDO, in fact, his argument is supported by many reputable climatologists.
One of the argument against much of climate science is that it is based almost entirely on computer models. None of the models are able to recreate the climate observations made in the last 30 years (satellite data) given their parameters. In fact, many of the models predicted doomsday scenarios all by the year 2010. Anthony Watt's website had a great list of predictions that failed heartily.
Another major problem with climate science is the funding. Scientist who refute the IPCC report are often denied funding from universities because of the bad press they will receive. The press shouldn't have a say in science, as science should be open. Worse yet, climategate showed how many who are in the APGW camp view those outside it, and even worse, showed that these "pillars" in the field refused to show their data (which was later seen to be fudged). I'm sorry but that isn't science.
The climate is always in flux. It is my understanding that since 1998 the earth is
cooling and since 1650 the earth is
warming and since 0 AD years ago the the climate is
cooling and since 15,000 years ago the climate has
warmed and since 55 million years ago the earth has experienced drastic
cooling etc... Most serious APGW scientists don't attribute the warming up to about 1970 to man (Co2 numbers don't support it by their calculations). They do however, attribute all subsequent warming to manmade causes.
In order to say that Co2 is the driving force of global warming you have to assume that cloud cover stays the same. That is the only way that the earth warms, if could cover increases or water vapor increases, the effect of Co2 is mitigated. Those in the APGW camp understand that. The problem is that scientists don't know what will happen with cloud cover or water vapor.
The science seems sound, Co2 = warmer climate, because elevated Co2 levels in the environment in the past have been seen during warmer periods. But Co2 is a lagging indicator of the climate not a leading (we do know that humans are responsible for a fairly small percentage of the Co2 in the evironment). The only problem is that the climate doesn't conveniently peg itself to Co2. The correlation of past climate observations has been more closely aligned with the PDO and sun activity. Furthermore, more that 90% of the earth's energy is stored in the oceans. Co2 is less that .04% of the atmosphere's makeup. Therefore, it makes sense that the PDO should be a more active participant in the climate's direction.
Eugenics, too, was born out of a seemingly simple scientific principle (the assumption that westerners are superior, based on the observation that western civilization had superior technology). Ultimately eugenics was understood to be culturally driven and not scientifically driven and as we have seen that combined with public policy was very dangerous.
There is a large cultural component behind APGW theory (i.e. an inconvenient truth, a movie which projected a doomsday scenario, that even the most ardent APGW scientists have said is entirely out of scale. Gore won a nobel peace prize for his work with the film, and the film won many awards, even though science behind it wasn't particularly sound.) The APGW movement panders to feelings of guilt, responsibility and altruism. It is therefore no wonder that the science has been politicized to the extant it has. The pragmatist in me really thinks this whole thing is a very strong meme.
Ultimately, there are many theories that propose responsibility for the climate change in the last 30 years. We shouldn't subscribe to the IPCC report wholeheartedly, as anybody who has done any research will realize it was an extremely politicized document and not backed by sound science. It is worth reading theories on the environment that refute the APGW camp, even if you don't agree with them. Finally, one shouldn't believe that the APGW theory is infallible. We needn't forget that TIME magazine 30 years ago was telling everyone that the earth was cooling (this was based on sound science :lol: ).