Chilly air in UT


Staff member
Fall is definitely here! \:D/ I awoke this morning to a chilly house with all the windows open -- the thermo reads 47F here in the SLC at 8:20 a.m., but the Mesonet reports 31 at both the base and summit of Collins at the same hour. I'm certain that it dipped down into the 20s up there last night.
This is a great time of the year. Cool nights, football, leaves starting to change, booking the ski trips, fires in the fireplace, etc. Can't wait for our Feb trip to Utah and Spring break in Mammoth. Now to work on the Eastern ski weekends. Thinking I'd like to set up a trip or two to Smuggler's/Stowe/Jay and maybe a weekend at Tuckermans. Then its a matter of checking off the days on the calendar.
We had a big family reunion this weekend a few miles from Mont Tremblant (Domaine St-Bernard, not to be mistaken with Place St-Bernard at the resort)... it was 4c (40F) and falling at midnight. At noon today, it was only 8c (45F) and rainning.
option_ride":2pp4d3fr said:
yep, the aspens are changing! Would be nice if they kept their gold leaves all winter.

Yup, autumn colors have been in full swing here for a couple of weeks now. Unlike the New England foliage that I'm used to, it started low (at around 6,000 feet) and worked its way higher. Back in Vermont, it would start at the highest elevations first.

We took a ride on the Heber Valley Railroad yesterday from Heber City down into Provo Canyon. A few photos are included below to show our foliage.


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ahh, beautiful. Is the red shrub oak? I miss that, not as much shrub oak around Santa Fe. I loved when the hills turned red around Durango, tons of it in southern colorado.
option_ride":n7vc9nq1 said:
ahh, beautiful. Is the red shrub oak?

Beats the daylights out of me. Maybe someone else can answer. They were "red pretty leaves" as far as I was concerned. :lol:
Admin":1da0ca69 said:
Beats the daylights out of me.

lol :) well, that's how youll know!

It's actually ruins a lot of good bc routes down lower in colorado because it grows so thick there is no route through. I've tangled with a few.

Have you been to Logan since moving to SLC. I spent a few summers there when I was young. They have raspberry farms all over and you can but it by the crate for cheap... mmm..raspberries and cream. Beautiful valley too.
option_ride":2zbwt99c said:
Admin":2zbwt99c said:
Beats the daylights out of me.

lol :) well, that's how youll know!

It's actually ruins a lot of good bc routes down lower in colorado because it grows so thick there is no route through. I've tangled with a few.

That sounds like the stuff. I've encountered a fair bit of it hiking.

option_ride":2zbwt99c said:
Have you been to Logan since moving to SLC. I spent a few summers there when I was young. They have raspberry farms all over and you can but it by the crate for cheap... mmm..raspberries and cream. Beautiful valley too.

I have -- it's a gorgeous place, and looks more "familiar" to a New Englander than most things around here, with its verdant farm fields. I didn't stop there for berries, but I did get some at my destination that brought me through the Cache Valley: Bear Lake. Good, good stuff.

When at Bear Lake, you have to get a raspberry "shake" made with Bear Lake raspberries. However, what they call a "shake" around here ain't no milkshake where I come from -- it's thick and stands above the rim of the cup. It's really a soft ice cream swirled with the raspberries to me.

Photos are below for the uninformed:


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The weather forecast for here: into the 80s this weekend, followed by snow down to around 8,000 feet on Monday. Woo-hoo!
Admin":10blon5s said:
option_ride":10blon5s said:
ahh, beautiful. Is the red shrub oak?

Beats the daylights out of me. Maybe someone else can answer. They were "red pretty leaves" as far as I was concerned. :lol:
Yep, it's called scrub oak. Grows to around 8' - 10' or so, is prolific as any weed, and as inpenetrable as eastern puckerbush or Sierra manzanita for bushwacking, skiing, or pretty much anything else. It also has a tangled root mass that is murderous to dig through when you're trying to do some final landscaping before the cold weather sets in. :roll:
Well we got our first dose of "winter like" weather. It's rained in Santa Fe for 1 1/2 days strait. The peeks are still covered with clouds so not sure if any of it turned to snow. My wife said the snow level was supposed to be 10.000 feet last night. Hopefully the rain pushed up to wolf creek so we get an early opening.

"scrub" oak... lol, I've been hearing and saying shrub oak my whole life. It also burns really nicely in a wood stove if you can get a load.

Great photos, it's been 15 years since I've seen that part of Utah. I think Utah and maybe Idaho are on my list of places I would like to board this winter.
option_ride":3sjwm60t said:
Well we got our first dose of "winter like" weather. It's rained in Santa Fe for 1 1/2 days strait. The peeks are still covered with clouds so not sure if any of it turned to snow. ... 70244.shtm

option_ride":3sjwm60t said:
I think Utah and maybe Idaho are on my list of places I would like to board this winter.

Be sure to let me know if you find yourself up here this winter.
yup, snow capped before october. Too bad it will be 80+ probably today! I will consider this a good omen though! Looks beautiful with the yellow aspens.

As far as Utah, do any of you guys know any good winter camp spots for skiing around SLC.