Skiing Tuckerman Naked

if i had a little daughter up there with me , like the lady in the video said, i wouldn't be to happy with that guy...and based on the quality of turns i saw that " skier " making, he might want to think about taking a lesson or 2.. or 100.. or just giving up.. what a loser
joegm":2j6ggkw5 said:
if i had a little daughter up there with me , like the lady in the video said, i wouldn't be to happy with that guy...and based on the quality of turns i saw that " skier " making, he might want to think about taking a lesson or 2.. or 100.. or just giving up.. what a loser
can't wait to see the video of you skiing the headwall at tux, joe! let us know when you have it up online for us to critique your skiing abilities. better yet, you should go over to and tell forum user "m@" your assessment of his turns.
riverc0il":380kn01x said:
. better yet, you should go over to and tell forum user "m@" your assessment of his turns.

LOL exactly what I wanted to say ;)
He's even one of the forum admin on that BB...

Honestly, I can understand a naked skier to ski with slow turns on a 45 degrees wild trail in spring conditions....

Thanks for the video Marc.... I had seen some pics but not in real time ;)
I question why anyone ( who is mentaly stable ) whose turns suck that bad would want to draw that kind of attention to themselves...if you think I am a big fat meanie :cry: :roll: for saying that guy's turns suck- what can I say to that?- it doesn't mean I think I am that cats ass on skis, cause believe me I don't- it just means that guy's turn are not very good... dude , just watch the video. ( my ability on skis is irrelevant, but just to satisfy your curiosity steve,... cj, jsul185 and i will be sure to shoot some film from blackcomb skiing the hardest thing to do on skis, bumps, in about a month.... just for you :wink: ) tuck video dude is the kind of guy who tends to hurt himself and cause a big expensive rescue operation to take place to haul his sorry ass out of there. ( and why do i get the feeling that that guy is probably not gainfully employed full time and probably lacks health insurance :roll: ) if you think, based on that guy's turns in the video, that that guy has any business skiing in a ravine on 45 degree pitches that takes 2 to 3 hours to access by foot, then you are as delusional as the clown skier is. :D
joegm":c53afyda said:
if you think, based on that guy's turns in the video, that that guy has any business skiing in a ravine on 45 degree pitches that takes 2 to 3 hours to access by foot, then you are as delusional as the clown skier is. :D

Joe, poke fun at this guy all you want. But you'd be a shitty skier to if you're balls were in mortal peril from a sharp ski edge.
joe, i could care less about video footage at the whistler bumps. lets see some video of you on a 45 degree pitch. you ski a little different on the headwall at 45 degrees than you do on 20 degree seeded bumps. hell, i know i have much better technique on easier terrain. i'm no slouch on the steeper stuff, but it certainly isn't as easy to look good when you are more concerned about surviving. besides... nekkid!!! i would certainly sacrifice some technique in that situation. you tend to ski a bit more conservative when you are one fall away from sliding down the headwall on your ass and doing some serious damage to the jewels. and i am not sure what this guy's employment has to do with his skiing and definitely not sure how you judged this guy so much based on that video, but from what i understand, m@ makes some good buck as an IT guru. i am sure he has insurance, but what the hell does that matter?

any ways, all of that is irrelevent. the bottom line is that it is seriously uncool and uncalled for to call someone out for poor technique. even if that video was this guy's best example of his finest form, there is no need. disagree with the morality of skiing the ravine in the buff, fine. calling out someone on their technique? no need.
One thing is for sure: it seem's like Joe is in a lack of sex right now :( . Go get some and leave others enjoy life :lol: .
joegm":3g4j112e said:
if i had a little daughter up there with me , like the lady in the video said, i wouldn't be to happy with that guy...and based on the quality of turns i saw that " skier " making, he might want to think about taking a lesson or 2.. or 100.. or just giving up.. what a loser

Joe, I don't understand why you complain so much about this guy?

Is it the nudity?

Speaking as the father of two young daughters, I (and my wife) don't have a problem about what he did. This is harmless fun. We've been to the Natural Gallery in Ottawa where there are nude pictures/statues also. I don't have a problem with simple nudity.

I have more a problem letting my daughters watch TV with the gratutious sex and violence (language and/or actions) that we find on everyday.

Regardless of this guy's skiing abilities. I'm sure he must be a pretty good skier to even to consider skiing down a 45 degree slope naked. However I tend to agree with others, he probably skiied EXTREMELY conservatively. This said, I totally agree with salida statement, because I would probably be the same.

salida":3g4j112e said:
Joe, poke fun at this guy all you want. But you'd be a [censored] skier to
if you're balls were in mortal peril from a sharp ski edge.

Skiing naked is not your thing, it's not mine either. You loves bumps, some don't. Let it be. People are different. People are different and I don't mine what they do skiing or boarding as long as they don't put others at risk, then I'm okay with that.

As the motto goes: Ski Free or Die
joegm, have you ever skied the Tuckerman Ravine headwall? Have you ever even hiked into Tuckerman Ravine as a spectator?
Whata great stunt.. He skied fine. I would have snowplowed , who wants to take a tumble naked.. what a rug burn that would be :o
I'm with Patrick, riverc0il and NH on this one. Reading the T4T forum I noticed that m@ is a Tucks regular (he has Tucks videos from 2 past seasons), he got up there that day and saw saw perfect weather and forgiving snow conditions (like Mammoth last Saturday), so he decided to take a chance on making the day memorable. Back up for his second run the snow had hardened, so not only did m@ decide not to spend another $100 :wink:, he changed his plan of which run to ski.

The surprises and diversity of ski experiences is what keeps many of us addicted. It seems like nearly everyone up there, including kids, viewed this incident favorably. Like river and NH, I'm curious if joegm has ever set foot on a 40+ slope. When Adam was at Mike Douglas' camp, the group did climb and ski a couloir overlooking the Horstman Glacier, and the campers who spent all their time on their home hills in the terrain parks didn't handle it very well. Do Smart's mogul campers do this too? If so please send riverc0il your camp video so he can critique it.

The video needs a soundtrack. David Rose's "The Stripper" is close to the 1 minute 45 second length.
Having skied the tamer Hillman's Highway au natural in May of '97, skiing conservatively seems to come automatically. Something about keeping "Slim and the twins" away from corn snow seems like a good idea.

My wife often comments that I do most of my thinking with my "little head". I guess she's right.
joegm wrote
( my ability on skis is irrelevant, but just to satisfy your curiosity steve,... cj, jsul185 and i will be sure to shoot some film from blackcomb skiing the hardest thing to do on skis, bumps, in about a month.... just for you )

Still waiting.
This video has been around for a while. As to his skiing style/ability, I haven't skied naked, but I have skied late spring corn wearing a "T" shirt and shorts, and one "not quite a fall" encounter with the corn at speed left some nasty bloody gashes on my right knee. I wouldn't want to take a tumble on that pitch either.
I wrote
Still waiting.
tpeter wrote
This video has been around for a while. As to his skiing style/ability, I haven't skied naked, but I have skied late spring corn wearing a "T" shirt and shorts, and one "not quite a fall" encounter with the corn at speed left some nasty bloody gashes on my right knee. I wouldn't want to take a tumble on that pitch either.
I was inquiering about joegm's video and pics of his bump camp on the Blackomb Glacier that he promised.
I too have skied in shorts and a T and have great respect for spring snow. Ouch!