Snowbasin, UT 1/17/09


Staff member
Day 25: Complete

With Tony Crocker in town, Bobby Danger and I headed up to Snowbasin today. While surfaces were crunchy in spots, they were delightfully chalky in others, and Bobby's the perfect tour guide to find the latter and avoid the former.

We skied hard from 9 am to 3:50 p.m., racking up the first full day for me all season. Snowbasin is home to long thigh-burning runs, and I'm not quite sure how I made it nearly to the closing bell today other than by the adrenaline of simply having fun. We'll see what this does to me tomorrow. :lol:

We skied everywhere and just about anywhere, save for No Name. The lack of fresh snow simply didn't give me enough motivation to head over there.

We spent the morning starting on John Paul and working our way over to Strawberry and back again. On our first trip up Strawberry we opted for the DeMoisy Chutes, but instead of getting in via the traverse across the front that I usually take, Bobby showed us a traverse that ascends a short bootpack before it wraps around the west side of the summit ridgeline and returns to the east side of the ridge where the ski area's located atop Arrowhead. While Arrowhead is a steep line that today was draped in stiff, chalky snow...:

01_snowbasin_arrowhead_090117.jpg was the traverse that most freaked me out. The southwest-facing backside of DeMoisy Peak was totally windbuffed and sun glazed, and the traverse -- barely as wide as a pair of skis -- was heavily pockmarked by postholes. One slip here would have resulted in a high-speed slide for life through boulders en route to downtown Ogden:


During the morning we spotted several folks hiking along the Mt. Ogden ridgeline, so our plan was hatched: after lunch we'd head up the Tram and start climbing to ski either The Fingers...


...or Mt. Ogden Chute:


I've never skied either, so this would be a real coup.

It was around 11:40 when we strolled into the John Paul Lodge for lunch.


Tony and I had a large bowl of cioppino, a zesty tomato-based Italian stew filled with mussels, shrimp, crab claws and clams. (This ain't Alta!) while Bob had a large salad. Renourished, we stepped back outside...


...and headed over to the Mt. Allen Tram.


Walking over, I found myself walking next to a pair of patrollers carrying a bundle of signs and a spool of rope.

" wouldn't be closing off the Mt. Ogden gate, would you?" I asked.

"Nope," the one replied, "it's closed already."


The patroller went on to explain that the people we saw were patrollers in training up on the ridge. "Besides," he added, "the chute's in pretty nasty shape."


Oh, well. No longer having any reason to board the Tram, we clicked in and pushed off in the other direction, once again working our way over to Strawberry.


Now, I've never been out to the Cathedral, which is way off at the far eastern area of the resort through some gates to skier's far right of Strawberry.


Bobby led us out that way, where we found more steep, smooth chalk on the apron. This, however, was only the first phase of an impossibly long, multi-faceted run that ended in some steep gullies and ridges that reminded me for all the world of the Hobacks at Jackson. How have I never skied out here before??? ](*,)

It was so good that we did it again.

We last loaded Strawberry at 3:20, working our way along Philpot Ridge to finish up on Sunshine Bowl en route back to Earl's Lodge. A full -- and fully satisfying -- day.
some steep gullies and ridges that reminded me for all the world of the Hobacks at Jackson.
Or the south side of Castle Mt. :mrgreen: Kudos to BobbyD for a great tour. He continually nailed the best snow conditions on nearly every run. And I skied several lines for the first time, even though it was my 6th day lifetime at Snowbasin. No contest Snowbasin is #3 in terrain quality in Utah, so no surprise Bobby D spends quite a bit of time here.
More pics from Snowbasin:

Here's a look back up at the Arrowhead line (center of pic) we skied after that sketchy and postholed traverse from Strawberry.


Admin in wide bowl on east side of DeMoisy Peak


Mt. Ogden. Fingers at right and the Mt. Ogden Chute we wanted to ski at center.


Embedded on the left side of Mt. Ogden are the Salt and Pepper Chutes, mostly south facing to add more challenge to the exposed lines. BobbyD has skied them, but admin and I would take a pass.


Admin carving the chalky bowl beneath Cathedral. A similar look and skier density as the Hobacks.


Some local skiers lower down on our second run in the same general area.
Tony Crocker":11ugnk30 said:
Just bring along the right tour guide. :mrgreen:

The run that cracked me up that day was the squirrel's-eye route we took from the top of Porcupine. Correction: the eye of a drunk squirrel.
In good snow conditions I wouldn't mind. Pete and I did the best we could but didn't want to traverse into unknown territory that day. I'll hopefully be back some time in Feb...
kingslug":2lc5dtfq said:
In good snow conditions I wouldn't mind.
Interestingly, the snow conditions Bob, Admin, and Tony had were basically......identical to what you had. :-k They were there only 3 days after you, with no new snow.
Marc_C":2r7u6q03 said:
kingslug":2r7u6q03 said:
In good snow conditions I wouldn't mind.
Interestingly, the snow conditions Bob, Admin, and Tony had were basically......identical to what you had. :-k They were there only 3 days after you, with no new snow.

And they all can ski 10x better than me........its the same prob I have here in the east, if its frozen and super steep...I aint jumpin in.

it was the traverse that most freaked me out. The southwest-facing backside of DeMoisy Peak was totally windbuffed and sun glazed, and the traverse -- barely as wide as a pair of skis -- was heavily pockmarked by postholes. One slip here would have resulted in a high-speed slide for life through boulders en route to downtown Ogden:
Catching up on my western mention or sight of Admin's injury. Good stuff.

How's it feel?
Heading to SLC with the wife on Sunday for four days, and planning to hit Snowbasin on Monday, so looking at a few old posts to see what to hit. The Cathedral run you mention here looks fun. You mentioned gates, but is it still in-bounds or BC? Is navigation tricky out there or fairly straightforward i.e. could we find our way without Bobby D as a guide?
NeedhamSkier":1kpnrmvo said:
The Cathedral run you mention here looks fun. You mentioned gates, but is it still in-bounds or BC?

Partially both. We were beyond the boundary but came back in.

NeedhamSkier":1kpnrmvo said:
Is navigation tricky out there or fairly straightforward i.e. could we find our way without Bobby D as a guide?

Fairly straightforward, but you need to know where to come back or else you get below the point of no return, and and up skiing toward Trapper's Loop with no way to return to the ski area.
Thanks for the info. With that knowledge, we'll probably pass, as missing the return might put a major downer on the day, and I'm sure there's going to be plenty of other stuff to keep us occupied there.