Mammoth, May 9-10, 2009

Tony Crocker

Staff member
I suspected last weekend's storm (cement-like with high winds) would pack the snow and result in rapid corn formation as soon as it warmed up. I was not disappointed. Saturday was probably a top 10 lifetime corn day.

Saturday was completely clear and warmed into the 40's up top and 50's at Main Lodge. There was a steady breeze, which is helpful this time of year in delaying the onset of sticky conditions. Mammoth is open until 3PM and there were pleasant surfaces to be found right up to the closing bell. Both days I did not get out until a bit after 9AM. I started with the usual Chair 2 & 1 warmups, then hit Cornice and face of 3.


Here's some people cruising the nicely softened groomed corn on Cornice about 10:15. I made a couple of turns off the groomed skier's left and could tell it was going to be good. So for the next hour I ran 4 circuits, alternating Climax and Dave's Run up top, then down through the chair 5 terrain to the Comeback Trail, returning to Chair 2.


Boarders on Climax, Saddle Bowl and back of chair 3 (green unloading station at upper right). Usually in spring the steeps are good but the apron runouts are a lot of work. Not so this time, smooth corn through midday on the aprons below Climax, Dave's and on either side of Chair 23.


Just a few people on the wide open smooth corn near Chair 5.

Chair 23 was closed, so there some traverse tracks have been cut above the rocks to access 80+% of Wipe Out/Drop Out. The highest traverse ends at the top of the Hump past Wipe Out 2. The Drop Out side of Chair 23 was at its best Saturday up until noon, while the Wipe Out side was ideal after 1PM when most of the more NE exposures we past their prime.


Looking down Wipe Out about 1:30PM. The corn was so easy I was able to ski it nonstop all the way to St. Anton, which is a rare occurrence on the first day after leaving sea level for me.


Hangman's is also very well sheltered and best skied in the afternoon, about 2PM for me on Saturday. I made one of the last gondolas before it closed at 2:30 for another run on Wipe Out. 27,000 on Saturday.

Sunday there was no wind so I knew runs would soften earlier.


joegm would have been at home too. Mammoth does have a contingent of bumpers, and in spring they set up this zipper line in West Bowl.

I got up on Cornice ~9:45 and Climax/Face of 5 not long thereafter.


The corn on 5 was still good, but the warm weather released a few large snowballs.

Then Drop Out and a second shot at Climax and 5 about 11:30. The rest of the day I went out that traverse past Cornice, skiing Drop Out again, then Hump, Wipe Out 2 and Wipe Out.


Skiers below Wipe Out 2 and the Hump Sunday afternoon. All of these runs I skied down to St. Anton, then back up the gondola to the top. I did not notice that Chair 1 had stopped running (perhaps Collins' warm weather disease is contagious). So back up top one last time to skier's left of Climax, Saddle Bowl and Stump Alley to the car. 22,700 on Sunday.
A few more spring pics.


At a distance between Mammoth and June on Hwy 395 most of the ski area is visible from Lincoln Mt. at far left to White Bark Bowl and the Chair 12 area at far right. Wall-to-wall coverage indeed.


On the June Lake Loop road I drove past June Lake and the ski area to Silver Lake. Above Silver Lake is a tempting couloir for the backcountry types.


Apres ski at the Mill by Chair 2. Unlike LCC, our canine friends are allowed to participate. If you live in an area with intense high altitude glare, you can buy some Doggles, as Dingo is wearing here. FYI this dog actually is a pure Australian Dingo, which this enterprising owner kidnapped as a puppy from Fraser Island off Australia and somehow got her out of the country.


Admin could get a slight modification of this plate to advertise FTO. :wink:
SoCal Rider":c59na9cg said:
Corn talk! Oh wait ...

Must ... resist ... comment ... on color ... qual-i-t-y.

After that first photo I figured that they still had some green manmade left over from St. Patty's Day.
Looks good up there. I'll be up Memorial Day weekend and it looks like coverage should be pretty good still. Tony, I'll PM you as Memorial Day get's closer and maybe we can catchup for a few runs.

I appreciate the pictures, even if they look green.
Didn't want to create a new thread. Figured I had the option of this one or the Snowbird one. Since Tony has written the most on late season operations, I figured I'd put it here.

Had the in-laws in town for the weekend so I didn't get to go out myself this week, but had a chance to check on A-Basin. 3" new and in cloud/white out on the upper part of the mtn yesterday (based on the web cams). Quite different than either Utah or Calif at least for yesterday.

According to their website, Pali terrain is closed as of today. Which is at least a week too early IMHO as is has been freezing at night every night up there so far this spring. The wet slide back 5+ years ago was after several days in a row of above freezing at night which rotted the snow under the surface. Interestingly, they report East wall open with many (not all) of the chutes open on that. And even more interesting they are running Montezuma lift, though only have 2 of the blue square runs open back there. Odd choice, the skiers coming out this time of year would be far more interested in Pali, not the blues on Zuma. No change in hours of operation...
Tony Crocker":3obd1abb said:

The corn on 5 was still good, but the warm weather released a few large snowballs.

Tony I joined this forum just to comment on this picture. Im snowboard247 on the Mammoth Mountain forums as well.

Those large snowballs you saw were actually man made by me and 2 friends. With the soft snow its fun to see how large and how far we can get snowballs to go.
i tried the same thing in main chute sat. & sun. just wouldn't hold together not sticky enough. beautiful pictures tony please don't stop taking them.
rfarren":12yte6eq said:
Do you need special sun tan lotion to keep yourself from turning green up there? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ask Tony about it. I suspect next year the green light that seems to follow Tony wherever he goes will disappear.
rfarren":hm8bnzyn said:
rfarren":hm8bnzyn said:
Do you need special sun tan lotion to keep yourself from turning green up there? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ask Tony about it. I suspect next year the green light that seems to follow Tony wherever he goes will disappear.

ah its his camera i get it now.
ah its his camera i get it now.
snowboard247 is new to FTO, but this :dead horse: has been around since January or so.

I forgot to mention in the original post that I ventured out to Monument Saturday afternoon and to Paranoid 2 Sunday morning. These are the areas that tend to have the best powder (like 4 weeks ago), so no surprise the snow was less consolidated and the spring skiing more difficult, particularly on the lower half.
Nice pics, Tony, great subject matter, you need a new camera of course. We've sent digital cameras out for repair and they never seem to work as well after they come back. I like the zipper line pic.

We did some skiing back aroud by Chair 5. Do you think that will still be skiable by Memorial weekend? :-s
Chair 5 terrain will definitely have coverage for a few more weeks. But without running the chair suncupping will eventually develop. With last weekend's ripe corn the snow was probably better with the lift closed.

It is possible that 5 was closed last weekend to keep people away from the private snowboard photo shoot on chair 4. But more likely it is closed for the season.