Mt. Baldy, Feb. 28, 2010

Tony Crocker

Staff member
I arrived at 7:35AM and saw chair 1 loading already. I later found out that ticket sales started at 7:10. They are also using that old QMC tram from June Mt. as an extra window. So it's running more smoothly this year for early arrivals on busy days. But if you show up at 9AM it will still take an hour to get through tickets and chair 1.

Baldy storms are wildly unpredictable, even with an informed report like Aukai's for the previous day. There was quite a bit of wind overnight so much of the snow was windpack instead of powder. And in the morning the wind was blowing from the desert side instead of the prevailing direction up the Notch. So the usual north facing deep powder pockets like Emile's trees and Robin's trees were windpacked. Here's a snowboarder on Liftline early on:

The best powder was on the opposite aspect, drops off the Fire Road like Clementine's, Herb's, Andy's. Here's Andy's at right and an unnamed line at left that had only one narrow clean exit into Robin's, which I fortunately found.

Based on Aukai's and other comments I tried the Goldridge trees:

I have generally not been impressed as the skiable lines in there seem short. I gave it 3 tries today and finally found a better line on my last Thunder run at 4PM.

With the SW aspects off the Fire Road being good, I hoped for the same in South Bowl but it was more packed. Then I tried Bill's Bowl, one of Garry's favored lines:

It was softer than South Bowl, and after taking this pic up the run I cleverly skied a smooth line below only to discover that I was below the South Bowl traverse, requiring 10 minutes of grunt work to get back to it.

With the new snow (reported 12-18 since Friday night) it was a busier day than 2 weeks ago. There were always a few people in line at Thunder, and by ~9:45 the line reached the end of the maze. I still got 10 Thunder runs in before bailing at 10:45.

Waiting to take chair 2 back to the Notch I ran into Jojo O'Brien. Chair 4 had opened by 9AM or so, but it's wind and sun exposed so I had remained on Thunder. But I thought it would be worth it go up 4 to check out Eric's. Jojo had heard about Eric's and was eager to check it out until I stepped over ~20 feet of mixed snow and rock to get to the line I wanted. But we were greeted with this pristine view so I knew I had made the right call:

Eric's rocked today, smooth cream cheese for 1,000+ vertical of wide open and nearly untracked ~30 degree slope. So a few pics of JoJo skiing it:




Upon returning to the Notch ~12:15 the line on chair 4 was considerable, so we took a couple runs down chair 1. First a chute between Windslab and Nightmare with chopped powder, then similar snow on Morgan's. I latter found out that Thunder was down from ~noon to 1PM, which explained larger than usual lines on chairs 1 and 4. We returned to Eric's about 2PM. Snow was a bit heavier this time but we traversed left and Jojo found some lighter powder tracks lower down (second pic below).


Jojo took another run down and called it a day while I grabbed a snack at the Notch, hearing a huge roar from the bar when the US scored that hockey goal with 15 seconds left in regulation. But I have my priorities and headed out beyond Bentley's for some more variable but untracked snow:

Below was a narrow choke to squeak through (no pic, I was concentrated on getting body and skis through intact).

I returned to Thunder after 3PM, found the north aspect of South Bowl the same variable mix of hard glaze, windpack and powder as 2 weeks ago. The "Baldy cloud" did not move into the ski area today but made for a scenic late afternoon view:

Then a run down Skyline/Tube, the latter in pretty good shape:

Background Holcumac at left, top of chair 2 and Notch at right.

After that last run in Goldridge trees I skied to the bottom via a safer variant of Bentley's. An excellent day, 23,900, 10K of varied powder.

The more packed snow of this storm will result in rapid corn development, with mostly smooth packed powder on the north exposures. This week should ski much better than March 2005, when the churned and sunbaked powder made off-piste skiing very difficult for awhile.
Thanks for the informative report. Would you expect the corn to be decent by tomorrow (Tuesday), or is that too soon?
Most of the north facing stuff on Thunder is fine now with the natural smooth and not breakable windpack. As are the main off-piste skier-packed runs (Nightmare, Bentley's on chair 1, the drops off Fire Road from Thunder). Grooming should create excellent corn runs on chair 4 right away, as on my Feb. 13 visit. Unconsolidated areas with sun or variable snow (South Bowl, Eric's, Holcumac) will need a few more days. Since it doesn't get chewed up much Eric's is probably manageable, but not like it was yesterday or will be by the end of the week. I did not ski Holcumac but Garry says coverage is marginal getting from it to the main chair 1 runs.
Great today. Wish I could have stayed all day. When I finished my last run - the usual, Morgan's to Bentley's, I walked past the ticket booth en route to the restroom (details, details) and some douche was complaining that the white board was titled "March 1" and still said 12-18 inches new snow.

"There's no snow up there!" he said.

I guess he had a point, but anyone who pays attention knows the storm was over Saturday. Where was he yesterday? So someone came out and wrote in red "Saturday" under the 12-18. For someone to complain today after presumably riding for a while -- wow, that kinda complaining is bad for your - uh - something. The grooming up there is great (for all you wussy boarders like me). I rediscovered Turkey Shoot today, which I often skip for the middle and Roller Coaster.
I'm actually pretty surprised at how much the overnight change in wind affected conditions by the morning, but I suppose at Baldy nothing should be that shocking. Sounds like it was still a fun day despite how variable it apparently was. I'm really surprised that South Bowl was so windpacked in the AM, it was deep and minimally tracked Saturday by closing, and it was still snowing hard. Unusual wind, unusual results I guess.

Your Eric's line looks sublime.

My preferred route through Goldridge starts from the little window just skier's right of the beginning of the cut run from the fire road, and exits back into the cut run midway down the last face before it meets back with lower Bonanza. It requires you to be cognizant of consistently tacking slightly to the left, as you'll get sucked down into one of the shorter drainages if you stray too far to the right. I love this area because of the spacing of the trees- tighter than on places like Emile's and South Bowl- and because the line I mention isn't obvious, it stays minimally tracked longer that the other usual spots. It's a reasonably long, consistently-pitched wooded run when done this way.

I may be able to give it another go on Wednesday, but we'll see what the weather does. Dust on crust sounds pretty likely that day.
all -- it was a great day up on baldy. if you weren't there, you missed a classic baldy day. can't say there was a run that wasn't adrenaline pumping or fun, but the 10:30 eric's run was hands down the best of the day.

south bowl wasn't all time, but in the middle and end section -- beautiful. noone in there -- i was one of the first one in at around 9 am.

big pros and huge props: windows opened at 7:10 am. Props baldy -- finally you figured it out. Used my San Diego Reader's $29 ticket -- fantastic!

Definitely busy these days -- thanks to those $49 season passes -- as Tony and I discussed, if these keep up, you can best expect to have a full upper parking lot by 7:30 for the forseeable future......










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