Oregon’s Mt. Bachelor Ski Area Tries Sliding Scale for Lift Ticket Prices

Bend, OR – Oregon’s Mt. Bachelor ski area will try an innovative sliding scale for one-day lift ticket pricing this winter, based on a combination of the amount of lift serviced terrain available and weather factors such as visibility, wind, precipitation and temperature.

“Mt. Bachelor receives some of the best quality and deepest snow accumulation in the country, but we also wrestle with days of lower visibility, winds and rime,” Dave Rathbun, Mt. Bachelor President and General Manager said on Thursday. “Mt. Bachelor is a ‘top 10’ mountain experience on those good days, but when it’s rough, or while we are receiving a 20-, 30-, 40 or more-inch pounding, we want to price more in line with the experience. This new program will allow us to charge a fair price for the skiing and riding available on a given day.

Many ski areas traditionally lower lift ticket prices at the beginning and end of the ski and snowboard season when limited snow depths restrict the amount of available terrain. Mt. Bachelor’s announcement, however, marks the first time that flexible pricing based on weather and conditions will be tried throughout the ski season.

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“It is surely unique,” Rathbun acknowledged, “but Mt. Bachelor is a unique experience with a large segment of our day and overnight guests who visit on short notice based on conditions and value for the price paid.”

A single day non-holiday adult lift ticket will be priced at $49, $59, or $69 depending on the expected conditions of the day. The methodology that will set the daily ticket price will be posted on the ski area’s website at www.mtbachelor.com.

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