Badger Pass Ski Lodge Plans Now Open for Public Review

Badger Pass, CA – Yosemite National Park officials have released the Badger Pass Ski Lodge Rehabilitation Environmental Assessment (EA) for public review. This rehabilitation project would repair and stabilize deteriorated structural and exterior elements to prevent further damage, and contribute to full rehabilitation of the ski area’s day lodge and associated support facilities.nIn January 2009, Yosemite National Park initiated public scoping and hosted two public meetings to solicit comments. Comments received from the public, tribes, and other agencies have contributed to the development and refinement of a range of alternatives presented in this EA. The EA describes the No Action and three action alternatives, analyzes the potential environmental impacts of each alternative, and includes mitigation measures to avoid or minimize impacts to sensitive resources.

Environmental stresses, coupled with inadequate site drainage and snow-melt management systems, have contributed to structural deterioration of the lodge. Building expansions and modifications to meet the changing needs of the ski industry were not compatible with the original architecture of the 1935 building. Rehabilitation of the lodge would protect areas of primary historical significance, while allowing flexibility to accommodate the needs associated with current and future ski area use.

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Park staff will be available to answer questions and provide copies of the EA at the park’s public open houses today and again on June 30, 2010, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. each day in the Visitor Center Auditorium in Yosemite Valley.

The EA is out for public review through July 7, 2010. Comments are encouraged to be submitted electronically through the National Park Service’s Planning, Environment, and Public Comment system at Comments may also be submitted by mail to:

Yosemite National Park
Attn: Badger Pass Ski Lodge Rehabilitation
P.O. Box 577
Yosemite, CA 95389,

or by fax to (209) 379-1294.

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