Taos Ski Valley Buys 100% Energy Offsets and Fuel Efficient Snow Machines

Taos Ski Valley, NM – Taos Ski Valley has made an additional commitment to conservation and eco-friendly measures for the 2010-2011 ski and snowboard season.nMost significantly, Taos Ski Valley will help lower the impact of 100 percent of its energy usage through carbon offsets from Renewable Choice Energy. Secondly, Taos Ski Valley has purchased new snowcats and snowmobiles that are significantly more fuel-efficient and quiet than traditional machines. This will help reduce the Valley’s carbon footprint even more, while cutting down on noise pollution in the mountain ecosystem.

“We make these decisions because it’s our way of life here,” said Adriana Blake, the ski resort’s Administrative Manager. “When you live in an environment as beautiful as Taos Ski Valley, you can’t help but understand how important it is to reduce energy usage and do your part in cutting carbon emissions.”

Along with the five million kilowatt hours of energy offsets and the cleaner, more fuel-efficient snow machines, Taos Ski Valley also has a significant recycling program in place for residents and tourists. It has reduced its consumption of water bottles by encouraging skiers and snowboarders to bring their own reusable water bottles. This season, in an effort to continue to reduce plastic waste, the Valley will be selling water in recyclable cardboard boxes, similar to juice boxes.

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“I can’t think of anything more important than saving the natural landscape that is our home,” added Blake. “I hope that our skiing and snowboarding visitors this year will rally behind these eco-friendly measures and help us keep Taos Ski Valley green.”

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