Haunted Halloween at Sunday River

Newry, ME – In an area known for its questionable tales of both murder and mystery, Maine’s Sunday River ski resort adds one to the books this year with a self-guided haunted Halloween tour appropriately named Sunday Shiver’s Mystery on The Mountain. The nights of horror at the resort are scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Oct. 29-30 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.nSunday Shiver’s Mystery on the Mountain starts with a frightful greeting in the South Ridge Base Lodge, followed by a suspenseful Chondola ride to North Peak. From there, guests will enter a terrifying path through the woods before courageously exploring the depths of the Peak Lodge’s basement.

“The experience starts as soon as you get out of your car,” Events and Marketing Manager Caroline Ochtera says. “We’ve invested thousands into lighting, decorations, and spooky sounds, and we’re working with various theater enthusiasts to make these two nights something our guests will never forget.”

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Based on a fictional tale of three missing snowmakers, Sunday Shiver’s Mystery on the Mountain will take guests through the various layers of this suspenseful murder mystery plot before unleashing their tortured souls onto the full adult beverage bar located upstairs in the Peak Lodge.

Of course, at the end of the night guests will still need to take the Chondola down the mountain to get back to their cars…if they dare.

Tickets will cost $15 and can be purchased on the day of the event in the Welcome Center at the ski area’s South Ridge Base Lodge.

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