$10 Lift Tickets at Schweitzer to Benefit Idaho Cancer Patients

Sandpoint, ID – Sandpoint’s Community Cancer Services and Schweitzer Mountain Resort will team up to offer $10 lift tickets this Friday to raise funds for those with cancer in the community. One hundred percent of ticket proceeds will be donated by the Idaho ski and snowboard resort.nTickets for the ski area’s “A Day for Heather” event are now available for purchase in town at Sandpoint Sports, Panhandle State Bank, and Pend d’Oreille Winery. Tickets will also be available at Schweitzer on Dec. 10.

“This event is so rewarding to host,” said Schweitzer Events Director, Mary Weber-Quinn. “It’s great to see how many people turn out each year to support Sandpoint and the local cancer community.”

Weather permitting, Schweitzer Mountain Resort plans to open the Outback Bowl for the first time this season and operate seven lifts including everything but the resort’s T-bar and the Sunnyside Double. Lifts will run from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

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A Day for Heather is named in memory of Heather Gibson, founder of Community Cancer Services, a member of the Schweitzer ski family and an advocate for cancer patients. This is the fifth year for the annual event.

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