Northern Escape Heli-Skiing Adds Snowcat for Weather Day Backup

Terrace (BC), Canada – When you’re blessed with over 100 feet of the fluffy white stuff each ski season, there are bound to be a few days when it’s just too socked in to fly. At powder-packed Northern Escape Heli-Skiing, near Terrace in Northern British Columbia’s Skeena Mountains, days carving new tracks are not wholly dependent on when the whirlybirds can fly, thanks to this seasons introduction of a new backup Cat Skiing option.nIndeed, rather than stay grounded and let untouched powder pile up, two new snowcats will keep adventurers in action on over 2,428 hectares (6,000 acres) of snow-covered descents. And you won’t be tied to the snowcat all day. If the weather suddenly improves, a chopper will swoop in and transport the group to a nearby peak without missing a beat. Should conditions take a turn for the worse, it’s back to the Cat for maximum runs and minimum downtime.

In all, Northern Escape provides access to over 728,435 hectares (1.8 million acres) of remote and all-natural big mountain terrain. Add to this that three cozy lodges, all within 40 minutes of Terrace Airport, will wine, dine and prime snow seekers for another day of skiing. Whether or not the helicopters fly.

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