Connecticut State Bond Commission Approves Expenditure that Could Revive Powder Ridge Ski Area

Middlefield, CT – Middlefield’s Powder Ridge Ski Area, closed since 2006, may have a new lease on life thanks to utilities improvements approved Wednesday by the Connecticut State Bond Commission.nThe body decided Wednesday to fund $500,000 in utilities improvements necessary to ensure the viability of the ski area. Earlier in the week Middlefield town officials voted to refinance the short term debt on the property to save money while it finalizes an agreement with an operator for the ski area, Alpine Associates. Town officials indicate that they expect to reach an agreement with the operator within the next year.

The town of Middlefield acquired the ski area in 2008 after the former owner, Ken Leavitt, lost Powder Ridge in foreclosure. Plans call for the town to retain ownership of the ski area and its development rights and lease it to an independent operator.

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