Environmental Awareness Day at Sugar Bowl

Norden, CA – Environmental Day returns to Sugar Bowl Resort on Jan. 29. Environmental Day is designed to educate guests on what the California ski and snowboard resort is doing to chill winter and pass along education tips that can be used in their own homes.nThe resort will have a Vendor Village set up on the Mt. Judah Deck sponsored by local businesses and organizations that will be at the resort educating guests on how to decrease their carbon footprint and live greener lifestyles. Sugar Bowl will match all Ski Green Tags purchased on Jan. 29 as a charitable donation to Ski Green. Guests may also enjoy live music on the Judah deck from 2 to 4:30 p.m.

To do its part, Sugar Bowl Resort is purchasing 100% wind electricity, using green cleaning products throughout the resort and recycling all print cartridges, batteries and old cell phones through a central location. Sugar Bowl purchases corn based plastic products, provides customers and employees with access to recycling bins for paper, cardboard, plastics and glass products, and holds weekly department conservation meetings. Staffers hold summer trash clean up days and participate in California’s Adopt a Highway Program as well as environment restoration on Donner Summit and water quality testing. All licensed highway vehicles owned by the resort run 100% B10 bio-diesel fuel and the resort recycles all cooking oil that in turn powers the El Dorado Casino.

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In addition, 50% of the resort’s snowmobile fleet has been converted to 4-stroke engines and the resort uses solar panels to trickle charge batteries on its chair lifts. To help conserve fuel, reduce emissions and highway traffic, the resort sponsors a free shuttle from Truckee to Sugar Bowl.

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