Sugar Bowl Hosts ‘Shred the Love’ Rail Jam Supporting B4BC and HERA Foundation

Norden, CA – California’s Sugar Bowl is teaming up with Boarding for Breast Cancer and The HERA Foundation for the fourth annual Shred the Love on Feb. 26.nFormerly know as “Jam 4 the Cure,” the ski and snowboard resort in the Sierras near Truckee is holding a rail jam in its Switching Yard Terrain Park, with all entry fees from the event going toward the education, prevention and awareness of breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Adding awareness to the cause and contributing additional funds, pink lanyards will also be on sale for $4. Sign up for the event and learn more at the pre-party on Feb. 25 at the Tourist Club in downtown Truckee.

Entry costs $25, and registration also takes place from 8:30 to 10 a.m. on the day of the event at Sugar Bowl’s Judah Lodge. Competition taking place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. can be viewed from the Mt. Judah Deck.
Awards will be presented at 1:30 p.m. at the Mt. Judah Lodge before live music until 5 p.m. from Left Alone and Cold Forty Three.

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