Forest Service Authorities Seeking Input on Proposed Montana Snowbowl Expansion

Missoula, MT – Officials of the Lolo National Forest in Montana are soliciting public input on the proposed expansion of Snowbowl, part of the master plan proposed by the ski area located 12 miles north of Missoula.nSnowbowl officials want to expand west of the current ski area to develop beginner and intermediate terrain as well as a new base lodge on 1,088 acres of National Forest land on 6,800-foot TV Mountain. The development would also involve four new ski lifts and a new reservoir for snowmaking water. It would nearly double the ski area’s uphill capacity.

Comments on the project’s draft environmental impact statement are being accepted for 45 days following its publication to the Federal Register, which is expected to occur on March 11.

An Open House to discuss the proposal has been scheduled for 5-7 p.m. March 30 at the Grant Creek Inn, located at 5280 Grant Creek Road in Missoula.

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