Huntsville, UT – When Utah’s Snowbasin Resort reopened on June 11 for summer skiing and riding for the first time in history, officials promised that they’d keep going on weekends as long as snow conditions allowed. With temperatures at the base of the resort reaching 80ºF on Thursday, that time has now come.
“After several days of high temperatures and significant rain Snowbasin will no longer continue its summer skiing and snowboarding,” Snowbasin spokesperson Jason Dyer said on Friday. “We had two great weeks of skiing and snowboarding off the Middle Bowl lift, however summer has finally arrived, melting away the necessary snow amount to operate in the lower elevations.”
Although Snowbasin is now closed for lift accessed skiing and riding, the resort will be hosting a Rail Jam on Sunday, July 3rd at Earl’s base area for both skiers and snowboarders. The event will be accompanied by a BBQ and music by the Kap Brothers. Registration, which will take place from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on the day of the event costs $10 and each division (12 and under, 13 and up, and open) will compete in a 30-minute jam format with prizes going to the top three in each division. Practice is scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with the competition immediately following until 2 p.m.
In addition, Snowbasin will now offer its regular schedule of summer events and activities including mountain top dining at Needles Lodge, lower elevation mountain bike trails, and a 9-hole disc golf course currently open to the public. Upper elevation mountain biking will open as snow melt permits.