Waiau, New Zealand – High avalanche hazard trapped about 250 skiers at New Zealand’s Mt. Lyford ski field in Waiau overnight Tuesday.

They spent the night in Mt. Lyford’s day lodge until daybreak Wednesday, when crews began blasting what’s known as Avalanche Face above the access road to eliminate the risk and allow those trapped to leave.
Strong northwesterly winds were blowing and drifting 40cm of light, dry snow that fell at the Canterbury resort on Monday. Ski area officials blocked egress from the ski area’s parking lot around 3 p.m. on Tuesday after several hours of sending them down the hill only in groups of 10. Weather conditions were keeping the ski area closed on Wednesday as well.
Snowcats were hauling in extra food for those stranded by the storm. Officials expect that avalanche control work and subsequent plowing of the road will allow those trapped to leave sometime on Wednesday.