Wild Mountain, in Taylors Falls, Minn., allowed skiers and riders to hike for turns on manmade snow today. (photo: Wild Mountain)

Ski Season Starts in the Midwest at Wild Mountain

Taylors Falls, MN – The near-term weather forecast looks bleak with rising temperatures and humidity levels, but that didn’t stop Wild Mountain from blowing enough white stuff onto the ground to open for skiers and riders..in a sense, at least…on Saturday.

Wild Mountain, in Taylors Falls, Minn., allowed skiers and riders to hike for turns on manmade snow today. (photo: Wild Mountain)
Wild Mountain, in Taylors Falls, Minn., allowed skiers and riders to hike for turns on manmade snow today. (photo: Wild Mountain)

“I am pleased to announce that we gave snowmaking another shot, despite the high humidity and no more snowmaking weather in the forecast.  We have not made enough to open a chairlift, or even a rope tow,” Wild Mountain vice president Amy Frischmon admitted today, “but I know that there are a lot of die-hards that just want to come out and hike so we will allow people to come out and hike until 3 p.m.”

Wild Mountain, typically the first ski resort to open in the Midwest region, is charging patrons $10 to hike and slide down the resort’s slope through this afternoon. Officials have placed various terrain features onto the hill to keep things interesting.

RELATED STORY:  2024-25 Ski Season Progress Report as of December 31, 2024

“There is something magical about being in a winter wonderland in October!” added Frischmon.

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