Bogus Basin's snow stake today tells the whole story. (photo: BBMRA)

Lack of Snow Prompts Cuts at Idaho Ski Resort

Boise, ID – It has yet to snow enough in southwestern Idaho to allow Bogus Basin ski area above Boise to open for the season, and that’s produced sufficient financial hardship to prompt ski area officials to cut pay and eliminate jobs.

Bogus Basin's snow stake today tells the whole story. (photo: BBMRA)
Bogus Basin's snow stake today tells the whole story. (photo: BBMRA)

A number of years ago, Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area initiated the concept of low season pass prices to drive traffic, and skier visits blossomed as a result. Nothing, however, can make up for a lack of snowfall, and as it has remained closed, Bogus Basin this winter missed out on business from the all-important Christmas holiday week.

With temperatures reaching the upper 40s today and season snowfall to date at 23 inches, Bogus Basin is well on its way to the latest season opening in the resort’s 69-year history, a dubious record that will be surpassed if the mountain fails to open on Friday, which at this point is a near certainty as no more than half an inch of snow is predicted by the National Weather Service forecast to fall on Bogus Basin over the next week.

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As a result, the ski area’s general manager and chief financial officer are currently working without pay. Full-time employee pay is being scaled back, capital improvement project are being placed on hold and other positions are being eliminated.

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