McLean, VA – SnowSports Industries America (SIA) and The Leisure Trends Group on Monday released the next round of 2011-12 data covering August through November snow sports sales. The snow sports market had plenty of traffic in November and sales reflected the more optimistic mood of the U.S. consumers overall, but officials worry that the lack of snowfall in many regions of the U.S. will hurt sales in December and beyond.
In November, snow sports consumers were not yet affected by the lack of snow that is dampening spirits and bottom lines across the industry in December and early January. Sales between August and November 2011 were up 5% overall in units and 10% overall in dollars sold, reaching $1.2 billion. Specialty shop inventories, while leaner than ever at the end of the 2010-11 season, were slightly more stocked than they were at the end of November last season. Sell-through was also slightly higher, indicating that inventories were aligned well with market demand through November 2011.

Through November, reverse and mixed camber ski sales doubled from 28,000 units sold through November last season to more than 55,000 sold through November 2011. Insulated parka sales were up 18% in units sold as non-participants headed to chain stores and online to buy snow sports apparel as casual wear. Internet sales of insulated parkas were up 33% in units and dollars sold through November.
In other highlights, alpine touring/randonée boot sales were up 22% in units and dollar and climbing skin sales were up 21% in units sold and 25% in dollars sold, showing an increased consumer penchant for backcountry ski gear. Winter boot sales are strong again this season with sales reaching more than $36 million through November, $6 million more than sales through November last season More than 1.2 million helmets sold last season and this season is off to a strong start with more than 300,000 units sold as of November 30, a 15% increase in units sold.
December data is currently being collected and tabulated; however, reports from the field indicate that the lack of snow nationally has had a significantly negative impact on retail sales and reorders from retail to suppliers, in December.
The current lack of snow across the U.S. is a threat to the health of the 2011-12 season overall. If current conditions persist, core participant buyers may choose to wait and see what new technology may become available in the 2012-13 models when snow conditions are (hopefully) better.
But hope remains for better conditions this season. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) continues to call for standard La Niña conditions for the remaining winter months.
“During January – March 2012, there is an increased chance of above-average temperatures across the south-central and southeastern U.S., and below-average temperatures over the western and the northwest-central U.S.,” NOAA said in a statement issued on January 5. “Also, above-average precipitation is favored across most of the northern tier of states and in the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys, and drier-than-average conditions are more likely across the southern tier of the U.S.”