Solitude, UT – Skiers and riders who visited Utah’s Solitude Mountain Resort recently and paid for lift tickets, food or other purchases with a credit card will want to keep a close eye on their bank statements.

Officials at the ski resort are presently looking into the security breach and are trying to determine how thieves stole customer credit card information. At the moment they say that they believe the incident affected only a handful of customers over a two-week period beginning as early as late January.
“Solitude didn’t notify me. I have a very strong suspicion this is where it occurred, though,” says Wendy Stein of Holladay, Utah, one of the scheme’s probable victims. “My card number was stolen and used in Florida last Wednesday at a 7-Eleven. I had used my card at Solitude to buy lunch on Jan. 29.”
Stein’s bank notified her within minutes of the suspicious transaction. “I canceled my card and the bank issued a new card and credited my account for the loss,” she says. “Apparently, the thief had created a duplicate copy of my card and it was swiped in-store.”
Stein says that as she herself works for a bank she’s used to credit and debit card fraud. “Sadly, I’ve come to expect this as part of doing business,” she adds. “It was a minor inconvenience not being able to get cash out of an ATM, but it’s worth it knowing I’m covered by my bank and MasterCard.”
A spokesperson with the Unified Police Department of Greater Salt Lake told the Salt Lake Tribune that they were waiting for resort officials to determine the magnitude of the breach before deciding whether or not they will take action.