You think that you're fast? American Andrew Weibrecht races in the World Cup at Beaver Creek. (file photo: Eric Schramm)

U.S. Men’s Speed Squad Glides into Chile

La Parva, Chile – The U.S. Ski Team’s men’s speed program, including Olympic bronze medalist Andrew Weibrecht, Audi FIS Alpine World Cup winners Steven Nyman and Marco Sullivan, along with Travis Ganong, opened their first on-snow training block this week in La Parva, Chile.

The men’s speed program normally trains in New Zealand this time of year, but opted for two training blocks in Chile this summer instead. New snow just prior to the camp start provided for excellent training conditions at La Parva.

“The surface has been great for training. Two days before the team arrived, La Parva received just over a foot of snow and that has packed down nicely,” explained newly named Head Coach Andreas Evers.

Absent from the camp were Erik Fisher and Wiley Maple, both of whom were injured late last winter and will return to snow later this fall. Weibrecht, of Lake Placid, N.Y., is returning to snow from a successful spring ankle surgery and arrived in Chile four days in advance to get a head start on training.

Andrew Weibrecht (file photo: Eric Schramm)
Andrew Weibrecht (file photo: Eric Schramm)

“It’s awesome being back on snow. I’ve been here a few days, and I’m trying to get my feet back underneath me,” said Weibrecht. “Everything feels great with my ankle. There are no issues skiing. I don’t even think about it anymore. Last year was rough because it was something that was always there. I’m just happy to be past it.”

The camp in Chile marks the first time back in gates for Utah’s Nyman since tearing his Achilles tendon last fall, and he will stay on in Chile for an additional week to continue training after the rest of the team returns to the States.

Evers reported outstanding early progress as the athletes move from gliding drills to giant slalom and super G training.

“Andrew [Weibrecht] has shown incredible improvement just in one week and Steven [Nyman] is also improving every day. Marco [Sullivan] has had some issues with his back in the past, but that seems to be behind him and we’re moving forward. Travis [Ganong] is in great shape and skiing very well,” reported Evers. “So far, the team is looking really good, our coaches are working well together and I think we will see continued improvement throughout the camp. It’s a new group of athletes for me, but it’s a great group to be working with.”

The team will return to Chile in mid September for a second on snow camp in Portillo ahead of the Audi FIS Alpine World Cup speed season opener Nov. 24 in Lake Louise, Canada, and the Nov. 30-Dec. 3 Audi Birds of Prey race week in Beaver Creek, Colo.

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