Portland, ME – The Ski Maine Association is hosting an event on Thursday, October 11 at the DoubleTree Hotel Ballroom in Portland in support of the Ski Museum of Maine. The second annual “ski season launch party” will feature several aspects of Maine ski history, including Portland’s role in Maine winters and skiing. On display will be long forgotten photos, original motion picture footage, artifacts and vintage ski equipment.
One lift ticket voucher will be presented to each of the first 75 guest attending the event.
Displays will be exhibited throughout the evening from 6 to 8:30 p.m. as hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar are served. Guests will be rewarded with winnings from a silent auction and door prizes that will include ski apparel, gift certificates and lift tickets. Scott Andrews, historian with the Ski Museum of Maine, will host a Fireside Chat from 7 to 7:30.

John Weston, Ski Coach of the Fryeburg Academy Ski Team, and local historian will share the history of skiing and winter sports in Fryeburg. The Weston Family owned the hillside where “Ski W”, which later became known as Starks Hill was an important component of winter sports during the late 60’s and 1970’s. Weston will share a collection of photos and archives at this year’s event.
The Ski Museum will display photos and artifacts highlighting the early years of skiing in Maine. The Maine Ski Hall of Fame has created an extensive archive of the eighty individuals who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Their stories are inspiring and will be on display through the programs of the first nine years of the Hall.
The New England Ski Museum will display its photo gallery of early ski lifts, snow grooming techniques, and snowmaking systems that formed the basis of today’s modern ski and snowboard industry. Jeff Leich, Executive Director of the Museum, will be on hand to add detail to the multimedia slide show on display throughout the evening.
Featured historic film reels will include: From Tree to Ski. The Paris Ski, a home movie chronicling the ski making process at the Paris Manufacturing Company of Paris, Maine, and long lost film footage of Maine’s first ski lift, a rope tow on Jockey Cap in Fryeburg.
Ten Maine areas will be setting up information booths at the event and feature historic photos from their archives, plus they will have information about upcoming winter season events and activities. Gorham Bike and Ski, and Long’s Board Shop will set up booths promoting the latest gear, and WinterKids will promote all of their programs designed to get Maine kids and their families outside in the winter.
Books available for purchase at the event will include: First Tracks, stories from Maine’s skiing heritage by Glenn Parkinson; The Story of Sugarloaf, by John Christie; Sunday River History by Dave Irons; and The Winter Sport of Skeeing, written by Theo Johnsen and reprinted with afterword by Glenn Parkinson.
Admission to the ski season launch party costs $20 at the door or $15 in advance online at skiseasonlaunchparty.eventbrite.com. Proceeds from the event will benefit the efforts of Ski Maine Association and Ski Museum of Maine to obtain, record, and protect information and artifacts from Maine’s skiing history.
Maine’s Ski Season Launch Party to benefit the Ski Museum of Maine
Kick off the ski season with Maine ski areas and displays of vintage lifts, snowmaking, and grooming. |
Ski Maine Association and title sponsor Outside TV are hosting an event on Thursday, October 11 at the DoubleTree Hotel Ballroom in support of the Ski Museum of Maine. The “ski season launch party” will feature several aspects of Maine ski history, including Portland’s role in Maine winters and Skiing. On display are long forgotten photos, original motion picture footage, artifacts, and vintage ski equipment.
One Lift Ticket voucher will be presented to each of the first 75 guest attending the event.
Evening Schedule 6:00 – 8:30 pm Reception & Displays, Hors d’oeuvres & cash bar 6 :00- 8:00 pm Silent Auction 6:30 – 8:15 pm Door Prize drawings 7:00 – 7:30 pm Fireside Chat with Scott Andrews, Ski Museum of Maine Historian
Fryeburg Maine, the birthplace of modern skiing in Maine John Weston, Ski Coach of the Fryeburg Academy Ski Team, and local historian will share the history of skiing and winter sports in Fryeburg. The Weston Family owned the hillside where “Ski W”, which later became known as Starks Hill was an important component of winter sports during the late 60’s and 1970’s. John will share a wonderful collection of photos and archives at this year’s event.
The Ski Museum of Maine and the Maine Ski Hall of Fame The Ski museum will display photos and artifacts highlighting the early years of skiing in Maine. The Maine Ski Hall of Fame has created an extensive archive of the eighty individuals who have been inducted into the Hall of Fame. Their stories are inspiring and will be on display through the programs of the first nine years of the Hall.
Early Lifts and Snow Grooming in New England The New England Ski Museum will display its photo gallery of early ski lifts, snow grooming techniques, and snowmaking systems that formed the basis of today’s modern ski and snowboard industry. Jeff Leich, Executive Director of the Museum, will be on hand to add detail to the multi media slide show on display throughout the evening.
Featured Historic Film reels: From Tree to Ski. The Paris Ski. Newly rediscovered high quality film footage of the ski making process at the Paris Manufacturing Company of Paris, Maine. This home movie was expertly produced by the Morton family, owners of Paris Manufacturing and follows the ski making process from the delivery of the great logs to the sawmill, through the ski making process to the finished ski that fueled the growth of skiing in Maine. Maine’s first ski tow at Jockey Cap, Fryeburg Maine. This long lost film footage of Maine’s first ski lift, a rope tow on Jockey Cap offers a glimpse into Maine’s skiing past, capturing the first lift riding skiers in the state of Maine. Hundreds of people lined the base of the slope, watching this new winter spectacle. In fact, there were more spectators than skiers on this first day.
Ski Maine Association The Ski Maine Association display will highlight the current status of Maine’s downhill and cross country ski areas. Door prizes will include ski apparel, gift certificates, and lift tickets.
Maine Ski Areas Ten Maine areas will be setting up information booths at the event and feature historic photos from their archives, plus they will have information about upcoming winter season events and activities
Additional display Gorham Bike and Ski, and Long’s Board Shop will set up booths promoting the latest gear and WinterKids will promote all of their programs designed to get Maine kids and their families outside in the winter.
Maine Ski History book available. First Tracks, stories form Maine’s skiing heritage by Glenn Parkinson The Story of Sugarloaf, by John Christie Sunday River History by Dave Irons The Winter Sport of Skeeing by Theo Johnsen reprinted with afterword by Glenn Parkinson
Admission – $15 ($20 at the door)
On line ticket purchase through Eventbrite.
Proceeds from the event benefit the efforts of Ski Maine Association and Ski Museum of Maine to obtain, record, and protect information and artifacts from Maine’s skiing history.
Additional Information: Greg Sweetser, Executive Director, Ski Maine Association gsweetser@skimaine.com 207-773-7669 x 100 Bo Bigelow, Events & Program Director, Ski Maine Association Bbigelow@skimaine.com 207-773-7669 x 105 Bruce Miles, Executive Director, Ski Museum of Maine info@skimuseumofmaine.org 207-265-2023