Okemo's annual Cares and Shares Food Drive will take place this year on Dec. 4.

Mountain High Supports Needy Families With Holiday Toy/Canned Food Drive

Wrightwood, CA – Mountain High Resort in Wrightwood is supporting the needy families of Southern California this holiday season with a toy and canned food drive sponsored by The Society of Saint Vincent De Paul.  Any guest who brings an unwrapped toy or three non-perishable food items to Mountain High by this Friday will receive $10 off an adult, 8-Hour lift ticket for the day of donation.

 “We are very proud to offer this promotion.  Saint Vincent De Paul is a powerful source for good, not only during the holidays but all year long,” says Cindy Shippy, Mountain High’s Resort Experience & Group Sales Manager.  “We are happy to be helping such a worthy cause.”

The Society of Saint Vincent De Paul’s primary goal is to alleviate the suffering of those who are less fortunate.  They depend solely on donations of food, clothing, and money from parishioners, residents, and local businesses.  Although they are a Catholic organization, they offer help to all individuals regardless of religion, race, age, gender or lifestyle.  This help is mainly in the form of food, toiletries, clothing and household supplies but may also involve assistance with propane and other household utilities as our funds permit.

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The local Conference operates from the two parishes of Blessed Junipero Serra in Phelan and Our Lady of the Snows in Wrightwood, serving the tri-community area of Wrightwood, Pinion Hills and Phelan.  Locally, they operate a food pantry on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month which is open to all in the community who are in need.

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