KT-22 (photo: Squaw Valley)

California Man Dies After Colliding with Tree at Squaw Valley

Squaw Valley, CA – A 71-year-old Auburn, Calif. man died of injuries following a skiing accident on Friday at Squaw Valley.

KT-22 (photo: Squaw Valley)
KT-22 (photo: Squaw Valley)

Theodore Stanley Sorensen, identified by the Placer County Sheriff’s Office and reportedly an expert skier, collided with a tree on the west face of KT-22 at Squaw Valley around 11 a.m. Friday, according to Squaw Valley spokesperson Amelia Richmond, who also indicated that Sorensen was wearing a helmet at the time.

The Sheriff’s office elaborated that Sorensen hit a patch of ice, which caused him to lose control and strike the tree, hitting the left side of his head. CPR efforts to revive Sorensen were unsuccessful.

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