Alta, UT – It’s that time of the year again. Not only do we get to celebrate the holidays with our family and friends, but Alta Ski Area has kicked off its annual Food Drive. A great way to help fight hunger in Utah, the Alta Food Drive runs through January 15, 2013. This year, Alta is attempting to raise $50,000 for the Utah Food Bank.

Wondering why you should donate? Here’s a little food for thought:
- The Utah Food Bank is able to turn each dollar donated into $8 worth of goods and services
- For each $1 donation, the Utah Food Bank can acquire 4.20 pounds of food.
In a big change from how things worked last year, there will be no donation bins set up this year at Alta, even during the annual New Year’s Eve Torchlight Parade. Instead, all donations will be taken virtually through a very simple process:
1. Go to:
2. Enter your donation.
3. Enter donor information.
4. Pay.
So jump on your computer and help Alta fight hunger in Utah!