Glen Plake (file photo: Facebook)

Skiing Legend Glen Plake Leads Lesson at Mt. Hood Meadows

Mt. Hood, OR – Glen Plake has been featured in ski films for decades, thrilling viewers with his fearless charge down steeps and free fall cliffs that only the most extreme skiers dare to attempt. His spiked Mohawk hairdo is his trademark, promoting the wild side and over-the-edge approach to both the sport and life in general.

Glen Plake (photo: Facebook)
Glen Plake (photo: Facebook)

Plake became the first skiing ambassador for the National Ski & Snowboard Month initiative, and has since become a certified ski instructor through PSIA. He’ll be at Oregon’s Mt. Hood Meadows ski area this Friday as part of an Elan demo day, and instructing guests in an exclusive learn to ski package.

The package is limited to 20 people, and includes a beginner day pass, equipment rentals and four hours of instruction. The morning session will be spent with Meadows instructors to go over the basics, get everyone comfortable with the equipment, and moving on the snow. Everyone will be prepped for the afternoon session, which will be led by Plake. The package costs $85 and can be purchased on the web site (for ages 13 and older).

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Plake will be at the Elan demo tent to meet and even take runs with guests following the lesson on Friday afternoon.

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