Squaw Valley, CA – The 2011 Tahoe Truckee Earth Day Festival is slated for Saturday, April 23, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Village at Squaw Valley USA. This all-ages, community sponsored event at the ski resort on the north shore of Lake Tahoe in California gives participants an opportunity to learn about recycling/composting, alternative energy, sustainability, watershed and forest health, and reducing ecological footprints via a diverse array of agency representatives and earth-friendly vendors.nIt is the largest eco-event in the North Lake Tahoe/Truckee area, as over 6,000 people attended in 2010. Live music, kid’s activities and more help to make this the largest environmental event in the Lake Tahoe area.
The Tahoe Earth Day Foundation, a non-profit organization, is being created to educate the general public regarding the Lake Tahoe and Truckee region’s unique beauty and how to preserve and protect it. The means of providing such education via regional Earth Day Festivals and also to recognize and celebrate the work of Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, whose creation of the first Earth Day, on April 22, 1970, eventually led to national legislation such as the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
Earth Day is seeking volunteers for the day of the event. If you would like to volunteer, email taddojones(at)gmail.com. For more information on the event, visit www.TahoeTruckeeEarthDay.org.