U.S. Halfpipe skier Jen Hudak trains at the Center of Excellence in Park City, Utah. (photo: Marvin Kimble/USST)

Jen Hudak: Conquer Your Everest

Salt Lake City, UT – We hear all the time about the dedication, sacrifice and perseverance it takes to be a best in the world athlete, but in 2009, halfpipe skier Jen Hudak of Salt Lake City learned firsthand that her hours of grueling training were nothing compared to the trials her father had ahead of him.

That December, Hudak’s father was diagnosed with an extremely rare form of Leukemia called Donovo-PPL.  He immediately underwent chemotherapy and had a stem-cell transplant.

U.S. Halfpipe skier Jen Hudak trains at the Center of Excellence in Park City, Utah. (photo: Marvin Kimble/USST)
U.S. Halfpipe skier Jen Hudak trains at the Center of Excellence in Park City, Utah. (photo: Marvin Kimble/USST)

“I have been dealt some tough cards in my pursuit of excellence in skiing, but nothing has come close to the feelings I have felt over the last year and a half,” said Hudak. “It didn’t take long for my family to jump into the recovery process head‐on. We Hudaks aren’t known for sitting back, we like to be in the driver’s seat. With that came the responsibility of really training and preparing for the long journey ahead of us.”

As the journey began, Hudak made the connection between his treatment process and climbing Mt. Everest. “Pre‐chemo was training, chemo was moving from Base Camp all the way to camp four. The next step ‐ the stem cell transplant ‐ was the push to the summit, and the recovery from the stem cell transplant is the decent back to normal grounds,” she said.

It was then that Hudak realized it doesn’t matter what you do in life, you will always have your own form of Everest to conquer. Whether it’s rehabbing from injury or fighting for your life, it’s about persevering through less than ideal situations that life is bound to throw at you.

Hudak continues to bring awareness to the Leukemia Lymphoma Society as well as the DKMS Americas bone marrow donor center, and donates five percent of her winnings to the society with hopes to increase that percentage over time.

Hudak wrote this poem about  conquering her Everest:

Commit yourself to your goal then
Open your mind to all possible paths.
Never give up.
Question those who doubt you and respond with
Unrelenting focus.
Exert yourself in a
Regimented training routine.

You are your biggest competition.
Organize your efforts and maintain an
Unfailing belief in yourself.
Require 10% more each day.

Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.
Vary your outlook.
Exempt yourself from excuses.
Resist distractions and
Escape restrictions.
Surpass others expectations and always
Test the limits.

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