Hunter Mountain Installing New Detachable 6-Pack Chairlift for 2010-11 Ski Season

Hunter, NY – Construction crews will be busy this summer at New York’s Hunter Mountain ski area, replacing one of the resort’s base-to-summit quad chairlifts with a brand new high-speed six-place model.nHunter Mountain officials have contracted with Leitner-Poma to replace the existing Snowlite Express quad chairlift with the brand new six-pack. Construction will commence as soon as the current ski season ends, and resort officials plan to have the new lift up and running for Sky Rides late in the summer.

This new lift is the first part of a two-phase effort to upgrade lifts at Hunter. In the summer of 2011 officials plan to remove the Z and Y lifts on Hunter’s West Side to make room for a quad chairlift that will follow a new line and allow for better snowmaking coverage over the West Side’s black diamond terrain.

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