All posts by Jeff Hemmel

Yes Virginia, There Really Is Skiing And Boarding South Of Pennsylvania

How I Came To View North Carolina As A Legitimate Ski Destination A ski and snowboard vacation in the mountains of the Kitty Hawk state can be summed up in a variation on one simple phrase: “We’re in North Carolina.” It can be used as an proclamation of surprise, the result of finding the type … Continue reading Yes Virginia, There Really Is Skiing And Boarding South Of Pennsylvania

Where Else But Tahoe? Pushing Spring Skiing…And Snowboarding…To The Exteme

Tahoe City, CA – There’s something about the onslaught of spring that makes me long for a few last days on the snow. Maybe it’s the simple realization that I won’t venture onto a slope — at least not one covered in white — for more than six months. Or maybe I just kind of … Continue reading Where Else But Tahoe? Pushing Spring Skiing…And Snowboarding…To The Exteme

Feet First: Why Custom Footbeds May Be The Smartest Money You’ll Spend for Skiing or Snowboarding This Season

Salt Lake City, UT – About 18 months ago, I wrote a feature detailing the many recent improvements in snowboard boot technology, features that allow wearers to truly get a comfortable and secure fit. Shortly thereafter, I was called out for what I didn’t include in that story — a reference to the value of … Continue reading Feet First: Why Custom Footbeds May Be The Smartest Money You’ll Spend for Skiing or Snowboarding This Season

Monkey Business: Banana Technology Creates Big Buzz in Snowboard Market

We peel our own to see if banana junkies are really on to something…or just off their rocker. Sequim, WA – There’s some crazy stuff going on up in Washington State. First comes the notion that a snowboard’s edge should resemble a crinkle-cut French fry, rather than a traditional curve. The dust on crust had … Continue reading Monkey Business: Banana Technology Creates Big Buzz in Snowboard Market