Recent content by Frankontour

  1. Frankontour

    Quebec skiing this weekend

    For yesterday, I couldn't have skied earlier anyway, because I can't leave work before 5PM... At this hour, you can guess it was longer than 30-40 minutes........ let's say 25 minutes from here to Christophe's home (getting closer to the mountain) and after, it took about 45-50 minutes to get at...
  2. Frankontour

    Quebec skiing this weekend

    Here is a video from our evening yesterday. It's more an interview with the marketing rep of the mountain and a popular actor of the province, but it shows well the kind of skiing that we had yesterday night. ... 51c22b7ea5
  3. Frankontour

    Quebec skiing this weekend

    This wasn't that bad... The right decision was to ski it yesterday night. We knew there would be a minimal crowd and the conditions would be more interesting than during weekend, due to the large crowd. I say that, but in the same time, I see that it's -9c this morning in the north (very wet...
  4. Frankontour

    Sunday River opens tomorrow

    Ok ! Their website is down, but the ski area is really open tomorrow. They are making updates on the forum. The root admin has written this : ... topic=8429
  5. Frankontour

    Sunday River opens tomorrow

    Is it me or they retracted ????????????? There is no informations anymore on their website as at 8PM
  6. Frankontour

    Mont St-Bruno - (QC) - Oct 29, 2007

    Here are the proofs... BUT : note that it was almost impossible to ski, so this was a total lack of control, especially on my 1st run, because : 1) 1st run of the season 2) 2" of snow and rocks of 4" on the way 3) boots not enough tight 4) Fudge, I forgot to put a 2nd pair of socks, because...
  7. Frankontour

    Mont St-Bruno - (QC) - Oct 29, 2007

    This evening was my first skiing for the 2007-08 ski season... I went to Mt St-Bruno, just a few kilometers away from Montreal. they blew much of snow this morning, so after leaving job, I went with my ski buddy at the mountain. It was passed 6PM when we reached the ski area, but the gates were...
  8. Frankontour

    Monthly Ski Streaks Living in the East

    I remember your very first post on FTO Patrick. You said that my ski day with 4 mountains hiked (april 25, 2003, after season's end) was the crazyiest thing you ever heard from a skier of the East coast. Let me tell you that today, with your 25th ski month in a row (living on the east coast)...
  9. Frankontour

    Le Massif, Quebec video

    It's a video produced by a renowned film productor in Quebec, but it was in 16/9 badly converted in 4/3 and the quality on Youtube is really really poor... I'm wondering how much this movie costed to them...
  10. Frankontour

    Jay Peak 10/14/07 - Caution Thin Cover

    Wow ! This is crazy, congrats ... you deserve all my respect !
  11. Frankontour

    Mt. Glenn - 2/24 and 2/25 (linked photos)

    For your information, the mountain has been sold yesterday, according to the NASJA journalist Roger Laroche. The new owner looks to tend to invest $$ to rebuild the ski area, changing the T2B chair, but keeping the mid mountain double chairlift + t-bar, but he will take 6 months to think how he...
  12. Frankontour

    Mont Alta, QC - January 29, 2007

    The fact there is no ropes (lack of $ to purchase...) doesn't mean that 100% was open. Actually I think that 15 trails on 27 were open. All of the trails from Slalom Géant to Markat were closed on the top (Slalom Géant, Olympique, Rothwoll, Twist, Slalom, Surprenante, Fantastik, Marty, Papoos...
  13. Frankontour

    Laurentian Report ( Quebec )

    Hey Anthony, we'll be something like 100 or 150 from ZoneSki this sunday (4th of february) at the mountain... so unless you prefer to skip that day due to the crowd, come to see us ;) (PS skiing is free this sunday, if you inscribe yourself on )
  14. Frankontour

    Mont Alta, QC - January 29, 2007

    ????? Patrick skiing at Alta ?????? It's hard enough to believe ! Well, it's sure that you missed most of the terrain, due to the lack of snow... especially all of the woods, but personnaly, I think that for the value, it was better than Tremblant on monday ;) I hope you will ski it again...
  15. Frankontour

    Alta , Quebec Jan. 28

    Yep, mondays also, as there is a group that comes every week on mondays for private lessons. So it's open with a huge big lack of crowds ;) you know my opinion on your question Patrick ;)