Holy crap this is bleak. We will be in Aspen for four days of skiing on 1/15 and now I am nervous though the latest pattern change is slated for a week before that. I have seen a few of these pattern changes come and go with little change.
I tried to get a free change to our plane tickets to...
I had thought about Whistler this April but was worried because of April rain/fog. With W/BC I have to get over the fact that half the mountain is usually worthless most of the time in spring. I have heard the bottom 1/2 is really mushy with the recent rain.
Granted this is for the Valley...
Guys tremendous info....thanks for your help!
Last week I actually switched plans from Whistler to Summit County for 4/6-4/11. Of course Whistler has been getting hammered with snow this week (at least the Alpine) but I just figured CO altitude would be better to preserve what snow they have...
Is there any hope in the near future of reversing the dry/hot western weather pattern and salvaging the rest of the winter and spring?
Trying to decide between Whistler & Tahoe/Mammoth & Colorado and although Whistler has had BY FAR the best season, right now looking like CO. Altitude is my...