Recent content by ShiftyRider

  1. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    Did the article say that? In the Big Picture, left/right looks silly cuz normal people have principles. Things like demagogery, aggression, and insurrection are counterproductive. The silly left/right scorekeepers wanna just call it...slightly counterproductive I guess. Lies might become...just...
  2. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    Can we circle back to... Lectures his ESL houseguests on manners Isn't quite sure how to order donuts? The world is way more dangerous with the ascent of unprincipled con men.
  3. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    Those many Americans' cluelessness is evident to me and sbooker... To reward aggression against a non-proliferator is the exact same thing (but with more duplicity) as to welcome infinite proliferation.
  4. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    When you disrupt your allies you look like a fool. If you wanna make policy transactional, make sure the costs of loss of intelligence gathering are accounted for. Hindsight 20/20 and all, how much would America have been willing to pay to have a spy network that woulda prevented 911...
  5. ShiftyRider

    World Affairs

    My Big Picture thought is that it's a comeuppance that Crimea's value to the Russian Navy led to risk to their Tartus Syria naval base. Another is that election/political hand-wringing seemed to be blind to how Mideast conflict surrounding Israel has made US more "powerful". For example...
  6. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    So like I wrote upthread LOL, high turnout favors Trump. I think everybody working his 2020 campaign tried their hardest to get him to stop sabotaging that. Foremost Mike Pence. FWIW last month I advised the NY judge via Twitter that he needed to mail himself what the Trump sentence would be...
  7. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    The truth is stranger than fiction...
  8. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    Trump dearly misses his wellness and nutrition coach Herman Cain, and infers that the MyPillow guy will head the 2028 GOP ticket...
  9. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    Me neither, but we're sensible people. Sometimes we forget there are idiots out there who elected Arnold I'll Be Back Schwarzenegger, Jesse the Body Ventura, and Donald You're Fired Trump... #TVfriends
  10. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    I disagree. Remember we get a secret ballot, but our friends and neighbors who wanna advocate for Trump, well, some of them are either humiliated or angry and weak. Small. Freud would have a field day, see... pure projection. Trump's saying he thinks he appeals to the aggrieved. He can't...
  11. ShiftyRider

    Open Letter to Kristi Noem's Neighbor

    Today a petition drive has been launched to recall South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem. "We're eating the dogs! We're eating the cats! We're eating the pets of the people that live here. Shotgun pellets do not belong in our beef stew!" said the Haitian-American gentleman who accosted me on the...
  12. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    The law protects the people. Addicts run out of money, so they steal. Worse, the despair of addiction places the unsafety of SOs and children on a sliding scale that goes astronomical if the addict is suicidal.
  13. ShiftyRider

    American Election 2024

    Yikes, if we're veering off topic again let's note that (from memory) his SO thought in the x% chance he was suicidal it was best to wait for him to fall asleep, then proceed to take it and throw it in a dumpster, no kidding. At least Jared and Ivanka didn't do that LOL. On the broader notion...
  14. ShiftyRider

    Guns in America (Loaded but now Locked)

    There you go again. We shall ski on a Sunday morning! I'll keep you in front of me tho...