Search results

  1. salida

    TR Great Basin National Park

    Thought some of you might be interested in hearing about this place. Weekend-able from SLC, and a nice out of the way place. Nevada. America’s 34th state, and most arid. Chock full of desert. A mere 86% of Nevada’s land is owned by the Federal Government. Not only that, but it’s home to...
  2. salida

    Wolvy Tour

    Ran into most of you around Alta on Saturday. We took a Sunset peak, tuscarora, wolvy and patsey lap. Skiing was great where the wind hadn't blasted it. Basically all skied well but the very top of wolvy, both on the wolvy and tuscarora side. Skied off the pfief today, the snow had much...
  3. salida

    Alta 11/22

    First and seconds down Gunsight this morning. 20 inches in the gut of it. Over the old base. Tasty November treats. It was over the head.
  4. salida

    Snow time

    Snow is in the forecast for the wasatch come tuesday night. Wax them boards! Convenient that Wed is the last day of the month.
  5. salida

    Gunsight, 7/15/09

    God damn. Someone has to post some pictures of skiing around here. This one is for patrick
  6. salida

    Altabird 1/17-18

    Not sure where all the love is for it this weekend, but it was tasty. Snowbird kept letting me on 830 trams which made for solo little chute (sat) and main chute (sun) laps before people were even loading collins. Great to be up there by myself so early in the morning. Whitepine, tigertail...
  7. salida

    Lambs Canyon UT 1-9-09

    Toured up Lambs this morning. Crusty under 8 inches on south faces, well layered and bonded on north faces. Everything else in between. Good angled trees, well protected, great skiing. Good before work!
  8. salida

    Westbound and DEEP (or: Cold Smokey and the Bandit)

    A repost of greg's TR. Three weeks skiing in UT and bootlegging brewSKI out of WY deserves a TR. It also deserves a theme song: Premise: Salida moves out to SLC and joined the ranks of an illustrious online gear store located there. Meanwhile Grizzly...
  9. salida

    Bird/Alta 12/9

    Another good day. Chilly, and low density snow. In places it covered rocks and bumps well, in others it didn't Had a few great runs down the cirque and Gad 2, and then some under the key hole. Went over to Alta for two runs in the afternoon. Had the first chute in glory hole with no tracks...
  10. salida

    Bird 12/3/08

    Just what the Dr. ordered. Pretty fun morning up there. Mostly 6 in of graupel like snow, that was lighter than normal graupel. Maybe double that amount in lee areas. Had a two first down chutes in Gad 2, and also some great runs in hidden bowl. Great to be back in some more snow. Tried...
  11. salida

    Big Horn WY 11/29

    Grizz's first (artificial) face shot of the season. Yes - this is Greg Stump on the tube. Some pow - cause Utah sure doesn't have any. The Maiden Voyage on a pair of Hardwood skis - THE RUMPLESTILSKIS The first (albeit slightly smallish) golden eagle of the season.
  12. salida

    BCC 11/8

    Breaking in the ski boots
  13. salida

    TR Alta 11/6

    Oops I did it again. Skidog, altmanator, and becky included. Skidog - Becky - Altmanator - Can you find the moment skis: Salida (or maybe just my hat) - Hiden' seek
  14. salida

    TR Alta 11/5

    Tomorrow will be a shit show up there. 18 in fell between 6 am and 9 am on my car. Over 4 feet, undistributed on the mtn. Deeper in spots. Had to point em to go anywhere. Divine.
  15. salida

    Sarge's snow safety talk

    Anyone else heading to this on Saturday... should be interesting. ... y&sid=5194
  16. salida

    First Publishing

    Got our first publishing out of last season. You'll remember the picture from this report: Gpetrics is the skier, I'm the photog. Hopefully we'll see a few more before the magazine season is over...
  17. salida

    Did someone say free skiing?

    Because that's what I heard! ... me=Printer
  18. salida

    9-28-08 Snowbird

    The goods: The house of scree: Zee climb: Until next month...
  19. salida

    Gunsight 8/16/08

    Are you guys tired of reading about freakin gunsight yet? Well we skied it, and it sucked. But we skied it none-the-less. I even had to wear someone else's boots because mine are at Salomon. Camped down in American Forks last night and the timp snow field is holding very strong. I'd like...
  20. salida

    The Gnar Whales

    They jumped into the press this morning at 8 AM after 2 hours of layup. Here is what grizzly had to say about em: I should have these bad boys in SLC on Monday if anyone wants to check em out.