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  1. G

    5 to 10 feet predicted for Tahoe

    Yeah that Ward weather station near tahoe is a great one, and seems to be the winner for this event. Our winds weren't quite as high as i expected. Baldy at Alta hit 101mph, and i think the highest in the wasatch was 105mph. The craziest part ended up being the snow water equivalent (SWE). Just...
  2. G

    5 to 10 feet predicted for Tahoe

    Just finished up the forecast. Unfortunately, this doesn't look to be an 'enjoyable' storm. As mentioned before, high winds. Maybe a good one to see how denali worthy your hardshell is. Looks like about a foot on Saturday, starting out as decently dense snow, but quickly...
  3. G

    5 to 10 feet predicted for Tahoe

    Yeah looks like a big one for sure. But I think the main record breaker will be the winds. At least that's how it looks with the current model runs. winds will be nuking big time up and down the sierra. but not just there, the winds are very anomalously strong across the whole Great Basin with...
  4. G

    Rain damage (stowe)

    I'm back east for the holidays. I'll be trying out MRG tomorrow and Jay on Fri. Hopefully it won't be too awful. I was all excited that i'd actually have good skiing back east this year, but then i brought rain with me when i flew in on sunday. sorry bout that. would give a report, but doubt...
  5. G

    18-36" in the Utah forecast

    What a weekend! Went up grizzly gulch fri night to camp out in the storm. Fri afternoon's ski tracks had already been covered by 6-8", and i dont remember how many feet of snow into the storm we were already. that night hearing the snow fall on our tents was awesome. Woke up to one of my tent...
  6. G

    What does it take to open a run?

    Alta was pretty bold last year and opened the a lot of the mtn last year with only about 24" base. It's skied alright. They'll have low snow warning signs up till the base is like 100". But yeah, 3-4ft is desireable
  7. G

    whistler snow reports

    Awesome, I'm a big fan of the no BS approach. This'll be useful to me <bookmarked> Thanks!
  8. G

    Some hope for Utah?

    Yup, things definitely looking better. See for yourself (, i did the forecast today using the 18z runs, ..but the 00z looks similar, which is good to see. NAM looks good, i'd like the GFS to look a little better to boost confidence. This is where you should really...
  9. G

    Some hope for Utah?

    Well, we lucked out on that one. Certainly everyone I talked to, including my adviser who has more experience than me, didn't think it would produce like it did. I think Roemer's forecast was a good one, maybe. 3-5" seemed like a good bet, but there was the possibility of 6-12" if the lake...
  10. G

    Oquirrh Ski Area Plans

    3)the oquirrhs dont get nearly as much as the cottonwoods (especially not where they'd put the ski area)
  11. G

    Lack of Snow in UT

    Yeah, I was discussing this with my advisor today, who's been around the wasatch a few more years than I have (4), i think this is well within the range of 'normal'. My 1st year here the snow just turned on nov 1st. I think i mistook that as normal. Since then ive seen 1 year where the hose...
  12. G

    winter is officially here

    Awesome! very jealous. that's some good deep snow. enjoy it!
  13. G

    Weather Forecasts

    It's as if i heard my name being called... I was just checking around to see how you all are doing waiting for winter to start. For and Jim, I'm probably not going to touch that subject much. However, one good thing is that I have a friend who's a great guy and is very...
  14. G

    alta 60 degrees today?????

    Yeah... so most mtn weather stations aren't 'aspirated', which basically means there's no fan to move the air through the housing for the thermometer. The 'thermoshack' can get much hotter than the actual free air temperature. The alta base stations and even the mid mtn collins station are...
  15. G

    Suggestions?: At SLC 2/16-20

    This past storm was highly elevation dependent. around 7500ft was the magic number, where it was a rain/snow mix. Big Cottonwood around 9500ft picked up 24". little cottonwood 16" (according to weather stations), park city areas 13" (according to their marketing dept), probly more like 8-10"...
  16. G

    Pictures from Around Burlington This Afternoon...

    Thanks for the pics Powderfreak! I'll have to lift vicariously through them. Missing the good ol' nor'easters. In the synoptic meteorology class I'm TAing out here in UT, we spent the whole class taking a good look at the storm. After the class we plotted up stuff and took cross-sections through...
  17. G

    Alta, UT 12/17/06 - Yeah baby!

    I can confirm that it was DEEP today. I skied the 'bird. Powder was deep enough that you needed a pretty steep slope to keep going. I inhaled lots of snow (read: face shots) :D Can't wait to go back east next week and hit killington and jay peak....
  18. G

    Wasatch Interconnect musings

    Anyone else going to the Ullr ball this Fri? Not sure if there's any tickets left, but it doesn't say it's sold out on the site...
  19. G

    Wasatch Interconnect musings

    I dont think I'd be for an interconnect, ..but it's not the worst thing ever. I can see how it may boost revenues and benifit the state. Certainly the tunnel idea is just plain stupid. If they want to connect the resorts, a road is not the way to go. People want to ride chairs or gondolas, not...
  20. G

    Wasatch Interconnect musings

    Yes, i think both me and my twin on ttips will be there. Especially since you specifically requested TeleBitches weather geek friends. :)