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  1. mapadu

    Smuggs April 2014 "Too Many Notes"
  2. mapadu

    Stowe 04/20/14
  3. mapadu

    Stowe OB 03/25
  4. mapadu

    N VT 03/10 - 03/20

    Thanks, and yes - well some of it anyway.
  5. mapadu

    N VT 03/10 - 03/20
  6. mapadu

    Saddleback Mountain, Maine 03/10/2013

    Thanks Jimk! There is a brief glimpse of Muleskinner from 1:56 to 2:00....
  7. mapadu

    Sugarbush 04/28/2013
  8. mapadu

    Jay Peak 04/23/2013

    Thanks everyone!
  9. mapadu

    Jay Peak 04/23/2013
  10. mapadu

    Smugglers' Notch 04-14-2013

    Last Bell
  11. mapadu

    Saddleback Mountain, Maine 03/10/2013

    I haven't - the two times I've been there, the snowfields were not open... I'm sure I'll get to them eventually!
  12. mapadu

    Saddleback Mountain, Maine 03/10/2013

    Ten minutes or so, not far. Then you can traverse along the ridge in either direction for several minutes. There are several ways to ski back to the trails. Nothing huge or terribly steep, just some fun snowfields - and a very cool departure from the tighter confines of the east. Pretty unique...
  13. mapadu

    Saddleback Mountain, Maine 03/10/2013

    Glorious New England
  14. mapadu

    Shadows of the Past Downhill footage shot at Smugglers' Notch, 2/12/13
  15. mapadu back

    Yeah - I hear ya... though in my brief time back here it seems that it doesn't happen as often as it used to... and the sucky meltdowns seem to happen more often and suck worse than they ever did before. Maybe that's just my changed perspective talking, but I think there really is truth in it.
  16. mapadu

    fictionalized truth -Northern VT 01/01/13 - 01/04/13

    Thanks! Yup, since I got this nifty little camera a couple xmases ago, no more paci-cam. I use it in hockey games sometimes too - fun stuff!
  17. mapadu

    fictionalized truth -Northern VT 01/01/13 - 01/04/13
  18. mapadu

    Black Dog

    Thanks guys.
  19. mapadu

    Black Dog Hmm. Hit play, then pause immediately. Let it fully load - doesn't take long - then hit play again. Otherwise the timing gets all dorked up... Too many quick frame changes for Vimeo to stream very well... letting it load first fixes it.
  20. mapadu

    Jay Peak 2-26-2012