49 Degrees North, WA 03/11/13


Staff member
For our sixth and final ski day here in the Inland Northwest, we hit paydirt with a mountain that has entered my "Top 5 U.S. Locals Areas" list: 49 Degrees North. A quick one-hour drive directly north of Spokane, 49 has impressive terrain spread across two peaks, including one, Angel Peak on the far looker's right, that recently got a dedicated lift.


While the utilitarian base lodge and lack of resort amenities say "day area," its stats -- 1,850 vertical feet, 300 inches of annual snowfall, 2,300 patrolled acres (not sure how much of that is lift-served, but a decent amount) -- feel closer to "big mountain."


Moreover, less than 12 hours before a Pineapple Express rolled into the region (excellent timing as we're flying home today), we got picture-perfect weather: cloudless skies and temps in the mid-30s:



Like the other day areas in this region (Mount Spokane, Lookout Pass), 49 has lots of big-league tree skiing, including Cy's Glades:

Angel Heart peak:

And similar to those mountains, 49 Degrees North is making terrain and infrastructure additions. The new lift and terrain are already completed and mid-mountain lodge is allegedly coming soon:
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jamesdeluxe":2opixdpq said:
"Top 5 U.S. Locals Areas"
It may not be Castle Mt., but there's enough in this report for me to make the effort to get there sometime. And it it's obviously convenient to some of my itineraries.
I drove right past the place last week on the way up to Nelson. We hit Schweitzer on Sunday the way home, but I was wondering if 49 might be a good option on some other trip. Two questions: What were the predominant aspects? Has the average snowfall of 300 inches been independently verified or is that a resort claim?
flyover":2hv547fl said:
What were the predominant aspects? Has the average snowfall of 300 inches been independently verified or is that a resort claim?
Predominantly north. Isn't Tony the one who's supposed to independently verify resort claims? :-k
Elevation range of 49 Degrees North is 3,923 - 5,774. Red Mt. is 3,700 - 6,600 with average snowfall of 279 inches near the top. Schweitzer averages 282 at 4,700 feet which is somewhat lower than mid-elevation. 300 at 49 Degrees North might be an upper measurement. But overall for the interior Northwest they should be over 250.