5 days to spend among Crystal, Hood Meadows and Bachelor


New member
I have 5 days to spend April 5-9 between Crystal, Hood Meadows and Bachelor. The Crystal N & S backcountry and Heather Canyon at Hood are of little importance to me as I love to cruise, cruise, cruise. Which scenario below would you suggest.

A) 1 day Crystal, 1 day Hood, 3 days Bachelor

B) 2 days Crystal, 1 day Hood, 2 days Bachelor

C) 1 day Crystal, 2 days Hood, 2 days Bachelor

Thanks in advance for any feedback.
A: A minimum of 3 days at Bachelor. Its snow surface will be better, and the terrain is also the best fit for you. So much so that the only reason for you to go to the other areas at all in spring is to add them to your "life list" if that is important to you.

Despite my appreciation for Crystal's terrain, I would probably do 1,1 and 3 myself at this time of year. Unless there was a fresh dump, of course.