51 inches at mammoth

As one of just a handful of westerners posting to FTO, I have occasionally complained to Marc about misplaced topics. Under the new format, he has reasonably decided to let me police this issue myself, and thus save himself both the grunt work of doing it and having to listen to my complaints.

This is my first intervention. The layout of Liftlines Forum Index shows date and time of last post within each section. Thus you can tell at a glance if there is new info in the Western Section, and therefore not need to bother with it if it has been inactive for awhile. But it's easier to find past topics if they are located where they belong. That's a cool picture, and someone might want to check out the visual evidence of Mammoth's 51-inch storm of October 2004 sometime in the future.

Naturally I am flying to NYC on business this weekend instead of enjoying the early season bounty at Mammoth. But I may try to get a November weekend up there.
Tony Crocker":3jkle19w said:
The layout of Liftlines Forum Index shows date and time of last post within each section. Thus you can tell at a glance if there is new info in the Western Section, and therefore not need to bother with it if it has been inactive for awhile.

It's even easier than that. If you're a registered member, topics with unread messages will appear in orange, as will the icons of forums with unread messages. Even if you're not interested in a particular topic or forum, you may click the links to mark all topics in a forum as read, or all forums on Liftlines read as you exit.

Tony Crocker":3jkle19w said:
That's a cool picture, and someone might want to check out the visual evidence of Mammoth's 51-inch storm of October 2004 sometime in the future.

Not if you want to see it past, say, tomorrow, for TT rotates welcome page images frequently. I'm posting a bunch of photos from Mammoth from yesterday and today below that I received directly from the mountain, including the one from TT referenced above.


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so i take it that the post got moved from the Eastern board over to the Western board then? i see.

i will not post western topics on eastern boards, though i might have in the past. i forget. the active boards in the past have mainly been the east, so that's why some poeple might have posted there. now how the boards are set up, i think it is much easier to get from the eastern boards to the western boards, and to see if there's a new topic (orange) or not.

thanks for providing all those pics Marc. nice to see that much snow again.

hasn't been snowing as much as i had inticipated this week here though. maybe up in the mountains. oh well. i still need to build a big brush pile for my jump this winter. might be the last weekend i can do it before it all gets covered with snow.

also, the TGR film is premiering in bozeman tonight. had to miss it though. got exam tomorrow. bummer, but i'm sure i'll see it somewhere this winter at a friends house or something.

uh oh, that's not on topic. i probably should've posted a new topic huh? oops! haha. jk guys
hamdog":9y9w0mo6 said:
so i take it that the post got moved from the Eastern board over to the Western board then? i see.

Yes, that's what happened. One thing that we'll strive to do when moving a topic is to leave a "shadow topic" in the original forum that, if clicked, will bring the user to the topic in the new location. It's my fault that didn't happen this time, for I didn't explain that in detail to Tony.

Hamdog, I agree with your thoughts for why posts used to be placed in the wrong forum. Once that started, and all of the activity took place in the Eastern forum, sometimes folks didn't post a western topic in the western forum presumably out of concern that not enough eyes would see it. That formed a catch-22 wherein the boards became eastern-centric because not many western users thought that they got much use.

I think that as time goes on, if we remember to use the correct forums, we'll see a lot more western activity. Right now it's 2:1 weighted towards the east because a lot of our current registered users were users of the old boards. 2:1, however, is a much lower ratio than it used to be (it was something like 10:1 based upon the number of postings).
i reallly like the way the forum is now setup. i have book marked the "new thread posts" link which brings up FTO forums with only threads with new posts. including western north america posts. had i been browsing the old forums, i would miss threads like this that make me drool and filled with jelousy. :lol:
El Nino' this year I belive.If so we'll see lots more pics of 50+" dumps out west this season.
Those shots make me feel a sort of blood lust or rather a snow lust. =P~ Shots like that could make a rational man do things he wouldnt normaly do.
The current El Nino condition is mild. Historical records indicate that you cannot reliably expect El Nino effects unless the condition is strong. Even in strong El Ninos (1983 and 1998) the effects are most pronounced in February and later months. SoCal received 75% of its snowfall in those record years after February 1. The recent dump was a random but very pleasant event IMHO.

As a longtime Mammoth skier I am very impressed by those pics. Especially the "ants" patrollers above Paranoid. Paranoid is long and steep and requires a lot of coverage, yet the main skiable lines look completely filled in. It could be misleading with the storm so recent and no base underneath. On the other hand, coverage varies a lot up there with the wind deposition effects of each storm, so that particular area might have hit the jackpot this time.

I am further motivated to free up a November weekend and get up there.