600+ New Acres at Mt Bachelor


New member
This may be over in First Tracks but it's worth noting that Admin and I were able to preview the lower, mellow reaches of this terrain the season before last, if my memory serves me. More importantly is that the upper catchline access from Cow's face off the Summit Chair is going to be sick! We'll have longer fall lines from the top on pow days and I can't wait. Even though the pitch flattens out toward the new catch line, the softest most wind-protected snow lies in these parts. =D>

From Mt Bachelor this morning:
More Than 600 Acres Of New Terrain Opening This Season!
With USFS approval of Mt. Bachelor’s 10 year Master Development Plan last spring, work began this summer on Mt. Bachelor’s first new trail pod since 1996! A new, lower east catchline has already been constructed and trees have been felled for the new lift line and several trails in the pod.
While the lift installation is still at least a year away, we are making preparations to open all the terrain down to the new, lower east catchline this winter! That’s 646 acres of new glades, bowls and natural features. While generally intermediate in pitch, we will be restricting this area to experts only this season since the terrain will be mostly un-groomed and 100% natural.

A 20 minute hike-out to the Sunrise base will be necessary upon reaching the new lift’s bottom area, but on select days, we may offer tow-out transport for a fee. More information and specific logistical details will be announced once the 2013-2014 winter season gets underway.
Purchase your winter season pass so that you can be among the first to experience this new terrain!