A-Basin, CO 12/28/2002

Matt Duffy

New member
I got a prime parking spot on the beach 30 seconds from the Pallavicini Lift this afternoon. No lift line whatsoever; tomorrow I'll arrive much earlier. About 5 minutes or so before I unloaded; I became aware that the rope was dropped and some classicly steep and varied Pali terrain was officially open for the 1st time this season. The snow was old and wind treated powder, but it was soft and forgiving and a welcomed departure from the same old same old runs at A-Basin. Only the really wide, main gullies were realistic options, as frickin huge, base gouging rocks lurk everywhere else. But damn! It was quite a lot of fun making turns on those long sustained steep pitches in nice soft snow. It was certainly a nice surprise to have this stuff open. I am hoping for more snow soon though. <BR> <BR>I am also hoping for the blackout period on my Loveland midweek pass to pass quickly (11 days to go, ugghhh), as that is where the better skiing is and has been for the last month and a half.