A history of Alta and its avalanches


Staff member
Once again, I have Steenburgh to thank for some very interesting reading. This time it's this article from 1988 that starts out with a history of the town if Alta and its mining roots, moves into the development of the ski area, transitions into the years where modern snow science was developed in Little Cottonwood Canyon, and ends with some truly entertaining first-person tales from the 70's and 80's:
http://www.avalanche.org/moonstone/TAR/ ... 20Alta.htm

It's long, but anyone who has a special place in their heart for Alta should block out 15-30 minutes to read it. It's a keeper.

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Very interesting read. I skimmed it tonight but plan on reading the whole thing tomorrow.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
Thanks for posting this. Most interesting.
I am coming out tomorrow am and hope it skis as advertised, a lot better than the week before Christmas!