Aerial photos of new Colorado snow - 9/25/09


Staff member
Just flew over the Colorado Rockies an hour ago.

Long's Peak, I believe?:


Indian Peaks:


Saw white ski runs of Eldora, Winter Park and a third that I couldn't identify, but we were too far from any of them for a decent photo.
your going to have to fly over the wasatch on Thursday and maybe again next Monday. The snow is coming!!!!
Admin":104h75q1 said:
Saw white ski runs of Eldora, Winter Park and a third that I couldn't identify, but we were too far from any of them for a decent photo.
Given your location, my guess is that you saw Sol Vista.
Nope, it was well west of and much further south than SolVista. Too far south and west to be Summit County (forgot to mention that I saw Keystone, too), yet didn't resemble any of the Aspen area resorts. At first I thought maybe Buttermilk, but I couldn't see Snowmass and I would've seen that, too. I've seen Snowmass from a similar airline route before.

And greetings from 30,000 feet -- gotta love in-flight Wi-Fi! \:D/ Which of course gives me access to several hundred channels of digital cable at my seat via my Slingbox... \:D/ \:D/
Admin":39r9y884 said:
Nope, it was well west of and much further south than SolVista. Too far south and west to be Summit County (forgot to mention that I saw Keystone, too), yet didn't resemble any of the Aspen area resorts. At first I thought maybe Buttermilk, but I couldn't see Snowmass and I would've seen that, too. I've seen Snowmass from a similar airline route before.

And greetings from 30,000 feet -- gotta love in-flight Wi-Fi! \:D/ Which of course gives me access to several hundred channels of digital cable at my seat via my Slingbox... \:D/ \:D/
Mike Bernstein":1yt6v3po said:

Or if you were thinking you were looking near buttermilk/aspen areas, maybe you saw Sunlight just outside of Glenwood Springs (and it's a bit further North than any of the aspen areas)?

Good/lucky timing, it skyrocketed up and hit 85 today and the warmth is expected to hang out till late next week.

Admin":1yt6v3po said:
Long's Peak, I believe?:

You believe correct.
Sunlight was my guess as well after giving it some thought last night.

[ Post made via Mobile Device ]
It was decent. They say that it's the equivalent of ground-based mobile broadband, but my Sprint is quicker. Slingbox was acceptable most of the time, but you'd occasionally get into an area with some skipping. Pricing is acceptable as well -- see:

It sure made the trip go faster.