New member
The Snow Gods smiled on Alta over night. LCC road was covered with snow in most places, and when I hit Snowbird, it became clear the we had been blessed with around a foot of lovely POWDER to enjoy on a "bluebird day." Temps ranged from around 18 to the high 20's. There was virtually no wind until some light breezes arrived after lunch. When I got to GMD at around 8:45 this morning the Collins lift was already mobbed. My friends Brenda, Paul, and I headed right over to the Wildcat lift which was not nearly as crowded. Waiting on line a bit ahead of us was Skidog. Of course I asked him if his boss knew where he was :lol: ? The lift started and I caught what looked like around the 15th chair. We got around half way up and the lift STOPPED! Around 15 minutes later after several abortive attemps at starting they finally got the diesel standby power running and we headed up. It was frustrating to be watching people who had gone up Collins start chewing up those 12" of beautiful DRY powder while we hung on the lift. Nevertheless, we got off and started dropping in right off the road at the top of the lift. We found both tracked and un-tracked all over the front side all day. We met some additional out of town visitors for lunch, and then went back out to play in the sunshine. We made a number of additional runs off Wildcat, several runs off the High T, and several drops off the Ballroom traverse. We also played in the trees under the Collins lift. We had such a good time that we never even went over to Sugarloaf or Supreme! I guess that will have to wait for another powder day.